Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Death Strikes Our Family Again

Hello my friends,
The angel of death passed over The Moody Household again, as my uncle (my dad's brother) died on Saturday. Funeral services are schduled for later this week. He passed away at The VA Hospital in Jackson, MS which is near his home. I was proud to be able to drive up to Jackson and bring his body back to Mobile, where he will be buried next to his parents (my grandma and grandpa). His three children live on the west coast and will begin arriving later today.

The WWE returns to the area this coming week with events in Biloxi, MS on January 21st, and in Mobile on January 23rd. I plan on making both events, and hope to see you there if you live in our area.

I know the weather is bad all over the country right now. It was in the 70's here yesterday, and we are looking at freeze warnings tonight.

Stay safe and warm!
Be Blessed!
