Monday, January 29, 2007

An Overdue Update...

I had the honor of rejoining my "Brothers of Destruction" Undertaker and Kane, this past Tuesday night at The SMACKDOWN/ECW event here in my hometown. I normally open The WWE shows in our area, and was pleasantly surprised when I was invited to don the old Paul Bearer suit and makeup, and carry the original urn to ringside. The photo above was taken by a friend with a cell phone camera.

After a history with the company that spans almost 17-years, it is always exciting to visit with my extended WWE family. No... stop the rumors now... there are no plans for a return for me as Paul Bearer.

I am pleased to have my dear friend Les Thatcher at our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING training center on March 1st. Les conducted a mini-seminar last year for us last year, and everyone has been asking for him to do it again. The details have been worked out!

The first weekend in March will be our 16th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion. This event is not a fanfest, as only those retired from, or presently in the industry are allowed membership. I am pleased to be on the board of directors; and believe me there's nothing like rubbing shoulders with your heroes that are now your friends.

Once again I thank you all for the prayers and emails during our family's difficult times. Things are better these days, and Dianna's health is improving rapidly.

My friend Gino Hernandez died tomorrow, in 1986. Unbelieveable, it seems like yesterday.

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Death Strikes Our Family Again

Hello my friends,
The angel of death passed over The Moody Household again, as my uncle (my dad's brother) died on Saturday. Funeral services are schduled for later this week. He passed away at The VA Hospital in Jackson, MS which is near his home. I was proud to be able to drive up to Jackson and bring his body back to Mobile, where he will be buried next to his parents (my grandma and grandpa). His three children live on the west coast and will begin arriving later today.

The WWE returns to the area this coming week with events in Biloxi, MS on January 21st, and in Mobile on January 23rd. I plan on making both events, and hope to see you there if you live in our area.

I know the weather is bad all over the country right now. It was in the 70's here yesterday, and we are looking at freeze warnings tonight.

Stay safe and warm!
Be Blessed!


Monday, January 08, 2007


Give thanks to The Lord for he is good, his love endures forever!
Psalm 106:1

Dianna and I met with her cancer doctor today, she is cancer free, and does not have to take any further chemotherapy or radiation treatments!

Prayer does work! Thank you all for your wonderful messages and prayers for my family.

Wake up Daniel!
Today is our youngest son Daniel's 20th birthday. No words are necessary...
It would have also been "The King" Elvis Presley's birthday too.

Friday, January 5th marked the 15th anniversary of the death of one of my best friends, Ralph Pulley. It seems like yesterday. We'll never forget him!

WWE comes to the area on Sunday January 21st in Biloxi, MS; and on Tuesday January 23rd here in Mobile. Looking forward again to visiting with my extended family.

Be Blessed!