Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Birthdays, Anniversary, and such...

Birthday wishes go out today to my sister, Joan Marie. Seen in the photo above sitting on the ground, and below in the middle. Of course that's me in the rocking chair holding my baby brother Harry "Bubba," and that's him in the picture below on the left.
We continue to ask for you prayers for brother "Bubba" today, as he continues his battle with cancer. He's back in the hospital again.
Today is also my dear friend and mentor Cowboy Bob Kelly and his dear wife Chris' 49th wedding anniversary. I think the world of them. Congratulations, we love you guys! The picture was taken at our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event a couple of weeks ago.
WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT is returning to my hometown of Mobile on August 5th, at The Mitchell Center. Tickets go on sale July 8th. I'm sure we will see you there, neighbors!

Take care.