Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thanks My Friends...

I would like to thank all of the regular visitors here for your kind support. My BLOG has suffered from the lack of updates recently due to my extensive involvement in GULF SOUTH WRESTLING.

We had a fantastic event this past Saturday evening, in fact it was the largest independent pro wrestling event in this area in almost 10 years. We are really making an impression on the Gulf Coast, and I am proud to say it is a positive one. Unfortunately, so much of our work has been dedicated to "damage control." So many so called "promoters" and "wrestlers" have destroyed the confidence of many loyal fans, not only in my home area, but all over our country. Slowly but surely, we are putting a bandaid on the wounds, and allowing them to heal, and that they will.

In my heart I know that if things are done correctly, we will win in the end; and when I say "we" I mean all of us that love professional wrestling. I have said many times that I was born a fan, and I will die a fan.

Seriously, I don't care what the others do. I am focused on our business, and ours alone. Area fans already can see the difference in the production and talent that my company is proud to present. Once again, I can't thank you all enough for being there for me.

The first Mardi Gras parade of the 2006 season is this Friday, and runs through February 28th. The weather has been beautiful, but cool the past few days. Even the azaleas think it is Spring as they are already in bloom.

Take care my friends,
HEBREWS 13:2 - Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.

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