It's a relatively warm Tuesday with dense fog covering our Gulf Coast. I was up early getting my Dad to the hospital for a scheduled heart catheterization procedure, which is taking place as I type. Please keep him in your prayers today.
It was a fun filled 3-day weekend for me beginning in the Boston area on Saturday 11/5, with The Millenium Wrestling Federation. I have a couple of pictures for you from The Lynn, MA - SOUL SURVIVOR III event at the bottom of this entry. I will be returning with The MWF again this Saturday, November 12th, in Braintree, MA just south of Boston. You can find more details about this next MWF extravaganza by clicking here: MWF PP3 Night
Terry Funk, Larry Zybysko, J.J. Dillon, Jimmy Golden, Barbarian, Bob Armstrong, Brad Armstrong, Tracy Smothers, Dustin Rhodes, David Flair, Bobby Eaton, Dennis Condry... can you imagine a card with a lineup like that? Well... it happened on Sunday afternoon in Kingsport, TN with IRON RING WRESTLING. It was almost like a family reunion, and to say that I had a blast was an understatement. I had almost forgotten how beautiful that area of the south was like. My thanks goes out to the staff/management and fans of IRW for inviting me to appear in the gorgeous Smokey Mountian area.
Did anybody have ALABAMA 9-0 going into the final two games of this season? Probably not... I sure didn't, considering that we had a combined record of 10-15 for the past two years. We have two games remaining, LSU this Saturday, then our arch-rival Auburn on 11/19. Is it possible we may go all the way... let's keep our fingers crossed!
I will be appearing for The ECWA - EAST COAST WRESTLING ASSOCIATION on Saturday, December 3rd, in Newark, DE with a 7:30 pm belltime. Promoter Jim Kettner has a reputation of being one of the best indy promoters in the country, I am certianly looking forward to participating in his endeavors firsthand. If you live in the area, jot the date and time on your calendars. I will keep you updated as we draw nearer to December.

Have a great day folks!