Sunday, October 02, 2005

On The Road... Mom's Birthday, Roll Tide, and more...

Today is my Mom's Birthday. My Dad is only 6-days older than she is. Bless her heart. I wish her a fine day from the road!

ROLL TIDE! Some said it couldn't be done. I'm sure you've heard by now... It was THE CRIMSON TIDE 31 and FLORIDA 3 yesterday. These wins feel so good, especially after the past few years we've suffered through. No game this coming weekend, but it's OLE MS on Saturday, the 15th.

I'm writing from the road this beautiful Sunday afternoon. I've been busier than a cat covering up.... well... you know. I did two NWS shows Friday night, the LEGENDS OF THE RING convention yesterday, and two more NWS events last night. I've seen so many old friends that I haven't visited with in a very long time. I thank all of the promoters involved for a job very well done.

I would give you more more details, but I'm on my laptop in a hotel room using dialup. Get the picture? LOL I'm so spoiled to my big PC and cable modem at home. We will fill you in a bit more later.

Have a great Sunday, and we will write more after while.
God Bless!