Monday, July 11, 2005

We Dodged A Bullet... A Freebird Again...

The Good Lord was certainly smiling down upon us yesterday. Our prayers were answered!

In a last minute turn similar to Ivan last year, Hurricane Dennis bypassed the Mobile area. Unfortunately, Pensacola was again on the receiving end of the tropical wrath. Notwithstanding a bunch of rain and a bit of wind, we made out like bandits. Thanks so much for all of the kind email and prayers. It's time to take down the boards, put the storm supplies back in the closet until the next one. Yes, there will be another. There's still 4 and 1/2 months left in the 2005 hurricane season. The price we must pay to live in "God's Country."

With all the hurricane activities going down, I almost forgot to feel sorry for myself yesterday. Yep, my WWE talent contract is now history. I am a "Freebird" again. Seriously, it is a bittersweet situation. After almost 14-years with the company, I am not considered to be active television talent anymore. I am now a "Legend." Please.... Me? A Legend? It's true! I have a multi-year contract to prove it! Move over Gorgeous George, "The Fatman" is moving in!

Happy Monday!