Thursday, July 28, 2005

My Oldest Son's Birthday

My oldest son, Michael Thomas, turns 26-years old today. Of course many of the frequent visitors here know that Michael and his wife Beth, are the parents of the star of my life, Granddaughter Grace. The photo above was taken during my World Class days in our apartment in Dallas, Texas. Michael had a jacket and cane just like me, and if you seen him running around the Sportatorium and other WCCW events, you would know he was just a mini-PP3. Many family and friends still see that in him today. If my memory serves me correctly, Michael had to be about 5 or 6-years old here. As his baby brother Daniel wasn't born until Michael was 7-years old. Michael works in the medical computer services industry.
Happy Birthday My Son!

Tomorrow's Friday!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Grace Elizabeth !

Our Granddaughter Grace Elizabeth was born on this day, one-year ago. We will host her "official" birthday party at our home this Saturday. The joy and happiness that she brings into our family's life is no less than The Grace Of Our Dear Lord.

This photo was taken last month, on Father's Day.

I watched CNN's coverage of The Space Shuttle Discovery as I was putting this short entry together. I wish NASA and our Space Travelers GODSPEED! I have always been a big fan of the space program, and will never forget the exciting launches while I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s.

Take care!

Monday, July 25, 2005

My Brother's Birthday... Wrestling Weekly... and such

My baby brother turned 49 years old today, bless his heart. Our best wishes go out to him. The black and white photo above was taken when I was about five and that would make "Bubba" three. Bubba's real name is Harry W. Moody III, obviously named after my Dad and Grandfather. He's the computer wiz of the family. Thank The Lord, as he has saved my butt many times.

I had a wonderful time last night with Les Thatcher and Doc Young on their "Wrestling Weekly" program. I thank them again for their hospitality and friendship. The audio portion of my interview will be archived shortly at: Wrestling Weekly Radio Archive

Our little "Gracie" will turn one year old tomorrow. I promise not to have any photos or birthday wishes for her on my BLOG. Right... heheee

Gosh... it's hot along the Gulf Coast these days. However, The Weather Channel tells me it's hot everywhere. We're seeing heat indexes of 115 degrees at my house.

Stay Cool on this wonderful Monday.

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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Fine Event Last Night... Another Tonight... Wrestling Weekly Tomorrow

There's a serious "Pringle Family Fued" going on all around The Gulf Coast these days. My dear cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle and myself are not seeing eye to eye. Be that as it may. We must do what we have to do. Cousin Marcel will be at The ACW - American Championship Wrestling event this evening in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. Which is on the gulf just south of Mobile. Belltime is set promptly at 8:00 pm. It's going to be a good one, I can feel things like this in these old bones of mine.

Speaking of good ones. I can't say too much about the Ground Zero Pro benefit show last night in Biloxi, Mississippi. Everybody, from the guys who set up the ring, to the wrestlers, fans, and even the folks who sold the hotdogs and belly-wash (that's "pop" for you yankee fans), did the right thing for 16-year old Sean Saxon (Thompson). I was proud as hell to be a part of it. That's what the grass roots of our industry is all about.

Remember that I will be the guest of Les Thatcher and Doc Young tomorrow, on "Wrestling Weekly." The show will begin at 5:00 pm (Central). I hope you tune in if you have the chance. The link is: Wrestling Weekly Radio

That about does it for this hot Saturday afternoon. It's almost time to head for the matches.

Until Next Time!

Friday, July 22, 2005

RIP Lord Alfred Hayes - PB Action Figure and more...

I took the bottom photo above of "Lord" Alfred Hayes at The Cauliflower Alley Reunion in Las Vegas in 2003. That was the last time I saw my friend. As you can tell from the picture he was very sick then, and has been ill for a very long time. However, he took the time to sit with me and remember some fun things we did in the old WWF. He was so proud that I received the Managerial Award Honors from The CAC that year. Alfred was 77 years of age. Our sympathies go out to his family and friends.

My favorite memory of Alfred was my first appearance on WWF's PRIME TIME WRESTLING talk show on The USA Network on March 4, 1991. Ironically, I was giving a demonstration on how to embalm a body, with Bobby Heenan, Vince McMahon, and Alfred played the part of the deceased. It was one of the funniest vignettes that I was ever a part of. In fact, I just pulled it from my library and watched it again for the first time in years. Classic stuff that I will never forget.

Go Rest High On That Mountain My Friend, Your Work On Earth Is Done. released the news yesterday that a Paul Bearer action figure will be a part of the new Classic Superstars Series 9 set. You can read it for yourself at: CLASSIC PB FIGURE

Once again I am proud to say that I will be a part of The Ground Zero Pro Benefit event this evening in North Biloxi, Mississippi. Belltime will be at 8:00 PM, at The Joppa Shrine Temple on Hwy. 67, just North of Interstate 10. I encourage all Gulf Coast Wrestlers and Fans to come out and "do the right thing" for young Sean Saxon. Sean is the 16-year old son of indy star John Saxon. He was paralyzed in a swimming accident last summer. The card will be highlighted by Billy Gunn, Road Dogg Jesse James, Sonny Siaki, Kevin Northcut, and many more. There will also be a special 20-man Battle Royal. We'll see you at ringside!

We will have more news for you on tomorrow's BLOG.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Grace Home From Hospital and more...

Our Granddaughter Grace was released from the hospital last night. She is doing well. However, she will have to make a Doctor's visit daily to get her surgical dressings changed. By the way, Grace turns 1-year old on Tuesday, July 26th. The photo above shows Grandpa Percy and Gracie, during one of our visits a few days ago.

I am really excited for my friends over at TNA for their new association with SPIKE TV. Competition is good for everybody! The announcement was just made official, and can be read at:

My interview on the Internet Wrestling Show "In Your Head" went very well yesterday. If you missed it, you can be the judge by listening to the actual archived audio. It is available at:

Several wrestling news sites have also picked up on this entertaining interview. You can read a review in print format at either: or

Needless to say, I've been on a media blitz this week. Notwithstanding the three excellent 'net interviews I have done, I have been busy with local publicity for independent events tomorrow and Saturday as well. I am really excited and nervous about my scheduled interview with Ring Legend Les Thatcher and Doc Young this Sunday evening at 5:00 pm (Central), on "Wrestling Weekly." I'm going to have to be at the top of my game with this one, as Les is ALWAYS on the top of his. Maybe he will take it easy on me since we're friends. I pray. You can visit their excellent site at:

At The 2005 Cauliflower Alley Banquet with my heroes and friends Les Thatcher, and Cowboy Bob Kelly. This photo and many others are available in The PHOTO GALLERY of

Have a great Thursday, and stay cool, it's hot out there!


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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"In Your Head" Tonight! - Signed For "Legends Of The Ring"

I will be the guest of "In Your Head," an online Wrestling Radio Show today. The interview will be taped, and available in both audio and print formats tonight at:

I am also pleased to announce that I came to terms with the promoters of "LEGENDS OF THE RING 3" last evening. I will appear at their event in Edison, New Jersey on October 1st. I am also scheduled for their wrestling events the night before, on September 30th. We will keep you updated as the dates draw nearer. You may access their website at:

To say that I am enjoying the new direction that my career has taken is certainly an understatement. For those of you that have read and listened to my recent interviews, understand that no words are necessary. I'm sure that you can hear it in my voice. I appreciate your support more than you will ever realize. Even though I have been in the industry more than 30 years, I feel like a greenhorn as I jump into the independent scene feet first.

It was 4-years ago yesterday that my wife Dianna was diagnosed with breast cancer. Praise The Good Lord that she remains cancer free! Hopefully our Granddaughter Grace will be released from the hospital today or tomorrow. I know this is really taking a toll on our son and daughter-in-law, bless their hearts. Thanks again for all of the kind words and emails.

Gulf Coast fans remember that I will be at The Ground Zero Pro event in Biloxi, Mississippi Friday night, July 22nd; and at The ACW - American Championship Wrestling program in Bayou La Batre, Alabama on Saturday evening, the 23rd.

It's Wednesday, "Hump Day," and I'm not talking about my dear friend Sir Oliver Humperdink!

Take care!


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

More Interviews Scheduled... The Hebner Brothers...

I am scheduled for another highly rated Internet Wrestling program, "In Your Head" tomorrow, July 20th. The show will be taped then available in both print and audio formats on their website later that evening, or on Thursday July 21st, at the latest. The link to the site is:

I would also like to thank The "Tap Out Show" and "GamingRing" for their respect and professionalism. I had a fine time with the hosts of both shows and I have been invited to visit them again. In fact, "GamingRing" has asked me to pencil in September 12th for a return appearance. The link to both websites are as follows: and

Keep in mind that I will also be appearing on "Wrestling Weekly" this Sunday evening, July 24th, at 5:00 pm (central).

I have received numerous emails asking for my comments regarding Dave and Earl Hebner's situation with World Wrestling Entertainment. I don't have anything to say on the subject as I have not spoken with either brother. I certainly hope the rumors are not true, as I love The Hebners like my own family members. This photo was taken at a "house show" here in Mobile around 2000, and comes from the PHOTO GALLERY of

Have a good Tuesday!

Monday, July 18, 2005

PP3 Live On The 'Net Again Tonight... and other ramblings

I will be the guest of The Internet Show "Gaming Ring" tonight (7/18), at 10:30 PM (Central). You can access the program by clicking on this link:
If you miss it, the show will be archived in both audio and print beginning tomorrow (7/19), at:

I had a fantastic time with the hosts of "The Tap Out Show" last evening, live from Las Vegas. Those folks were extremely professional and well prepared, and I am anxious to visit them again down the road. The show is available in an archived format at:
Check them out every Sunday evening, as they feature many of the top talents of our industry, as well as up to date wrestling news.

I am also excited about my scheduled appearance on The "Wrestling Weekly" show, this coming Sunday night, July 24th, at 5:00 PM (central). It is hosted by Doc Young and ring legend and dear friend Les Thatcher. Mark it on your calendars, and be sure to check it out.

Once again, I thank you all for the prayers and kind thoughts for our Granddaughter Grace, who remains hospitalized. She is getting better by the day, and we hope to have her home mid-week.

I went boating yesterday. Now believe 'dat! It really feels great to be able to do things now that I haven't been able to do in many years due to my weight issues. I spent the afternoon with one of my best friends on the beautiful waters of "God's Country." My skin has really never been friendly with the hot sun, but I can truthfully say that the 45 power super-duper suntan lotion really works! I didn't even get burned, Praise The Lord! I had one of the best times that I've enjoyed in a very long time. We WILL be doing that again, SOON. Next time, I must take some pics for you.

Yes, it's Monday. Your're not dreaming.
Have a good week!

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

PP3 Tapping Out Tonight! Gracie Update...

Don't forget that I will be on The Internet Wrestling Show "Tap Out" tonight at 10:00 PM (Central Time). You may listen live on the 'net, or if you miss it you can check out the archived edition at a later time.
I hope you give it a listen!

In yesterday's BLOG entry, I wrote of our dear Granddaughter Grace's hospitalization. We were able to visit with her last night. I think she was as happy to see her Grandma & Grandpa as we were to see her. Considering her situation, she was in a fairly upbeat mood. It's heartbreaking to see any little one sick, especially one of your own. I snapped this shot as she played with us in her hospital crib. Thanks for the kind emails and get well wishes for her.

A few new updates on to tell you about. I've added a new entry in my Personal Hall Of Fame, and some new websites in my "LINKS" section. There's also a new story on my "STORYTIME" page. However, those that read my BLOG on a regular basis probably are already familiar with the news there. I appreciate your support as always!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tap Out Show... Grace... Terry Gordy... and more

I am pleased to be the special guest of the highly rated Internet Wrestling Show "Tap Out" tomorrow evening (Sunday, June 17th), at 10:00 PM (Central Time). You may listen live on the 'net, or if you miss it you can check out the archived edition at a later time. This should be a very interesting conversation, as this will be my very first interview since my release as a regular WWE television talent, and the signing of my new multi-year "WWE Legends" agreement. I hope you give it a listen!

Our dear granddaughter Grace being held by my oldest son Michael and his wife Beth. This photo was taken at a family gathering for my Sister's Birthday a couple of weeks ago. Please... no comments about Michael's hair. Bless his heart. I guess 30+ plus years of my bleaching and dying my mane, has passed down to him. He must be paying for the "sins" of his father.

I must tell you that Gracie was hospitalized two days ago with a staph infection. In seems she developed a sort of a boil on her inner thigh that resulted in the infection. It was taken care of surgically, and she is being pumped full of antibiotics. Today's update from her mom Beth, tells us she had a good night last evening and is feeling much better. Due to her age, she will probably be in the hospital for several more days. Grace will turn one-year old on the 26th of this month. As always, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

My dear "brother" Terry Gordy passed away on this date in 2001. It just doesn't seem possible. I miss him more than you will ever realize. Also on another sad note, another "brother" Frank Goodish, a.k.a. Bruiser Brody, was murdered on this date in Puerto Rico, in 1988. May Terry, Frank, and all of my departed brothers and sisters rest peacefully in the palms of the caring hands of Our Dear Lord.

No indy wrestling events for me to attend this weekend. However, The ACW - American Championship Wrestling will ring it's bell on Saturday evening July 23rd, at 8:00 pm. The show will be held in The Bayou La Batre Community Center, which is on the gulf just south of Mobile. I have been named as The ACW Commissioner, and it seems my cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle is not too happy about it. That's fine with me, as I have made a special match between Marcel and The Legend himself, "Bullet" Bob Armstrong. There will be an added stipulation to that match, that I will reveal at ringside on the 23rd. This event is sponsored by The Bayou La Batre Volunteer Fire Department.

Also, the Ground Zero Pro Benefit for Sean Saxon, son of indy star John Saxon was rescheduled to this Friday July 22nd, due to Hurricane Dennis last weekend. Sean is 16-years old and was paralyzed in a swimming accident last summer. Once again I ask that all local ring talent and fans "do the right thing" for Sean at this fantastic event. The show will be at the Joppa Shrine Temple in North Biloxi, Mississippi at 8:00 PM (CT). Just take exit 41 off of Interstate 10, which is Highway 67.

Our thoughts are also with you folks in the path of Hurricane Emily. Especially for my friends and supporters in South Texas. You just never know what these storms may do.

Have a fine weekend!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Our "Baby's" Birthday and other ramblings...

Our three Dachshunds at yesterday's 1-year birthday festivities. Oscar is the red one on the left, he is a little over two years old, and the the father. Conecuh is the black and tan in the middle, she is the mother and is almost two. The birthday girl is Vienna, she is the red one on the right.

You dog lovers out there know exactly where I am coming from when I speak about our canine babies. They become family members. Yesterday was one year to the date that our female Conecuh whelped 4 female pups. To top it off, I delivered them myself! The first born was red like Oscar the father, and that's the one we decided to keep, the other three were black/tan like the mother. Of course in keeping with the Moody sausage tradition, we named her Vienna (Vienna sausage... get it?). Oscar is named for "Oscar Meyer Weiners," and Conecuh is also a sausage mainly sold here in L.A. (lower Alabama). When you mess with my "babies" you are walking on the fighting side of me.

I just returned from another dental appointment. Boy... I will be glad when this is over. Today I had two teeth pulled. However, this time I opted to give the gas a try. In all the dental work I have had in my life I have never used the gas. Ohhhhhh......yyyyyyeeeeeeesssssss! I tried to get a bottle to go, but... it didn't work.

I spent most of yesterday working at my Aunt's house. I painted one of her bedrooms for her. I was rushing so I could see the space shuttle blast off, but I'm sure you know the mission was delayed.

I am scheduled to be interviewed on The Tap Out Show, Sunday evening at 10:00 pm (Central). This will be my first interview since becoming a "Freebird" again. You can check it out at:

A few words of wisdom to leave you with today:
I've learned....
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
That money doesn't buy class.
That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
That the less time I have to work,the more things I get done.

Tomorrow's Friday!
Take care!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Friend Jimmy... and more...

My Friend Jimmy Miranda

On this date in 2002, my dear friend Jimmy Miranda passed away. Jimmy handled the event merchandising for WWF/WWE for almost 15 years. He was without a doubt one of the finest human beings I have ever crossed paths with. We had so much fun backstage in all of those arenas all around the world. There are so many great stories to tell. I will just say that he is missed by so many people, and I am confident that he is in a better place.

Dentist appointment today. I'm sure you can feel the excitement through the words of my BLOG. Right...

The Matt Hardy angle on WWE RAW last night was fantastic. That's what 'rasslin used to be about. Surprises. Who wants to watch anything, that you already know what's going to happen? Movie, Soap Opera, Stage Play, or Wrestling; in my humble opinion it takes all of the fun out of it. Matt did a wonderful job working the Internet. Nobody had a clue. My return with The Undertaker at WM-20 was only hidden from the 'net until a week before the event, even though I denied it to the very end. Kudos to Matt!

Have a fine Tuesday!

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Monday, July 11, 2005

We Dodged A Bullet... A Freebird Again...

The Good Lord was certainly smiling down upon us yesterday. Our prayers were answered!

In a last minute turn similar to Ivan last year, Hurricane Dennis bypassed the Mobile area. Unfortunately, Pensacola was again on the receiving end of the tropical wrath. Notwithstanding a bunch of rain and a bit of wind, we made out like bandits. Thanks so much for all of the kind email and prayers. It's time to take down the boards, put the storm supplies back in the closet until the next one. Yes, there will be another. There's still 4 and 1/2 months left in the 2005 hurricane season. The price we must pay to live in "God's Country."

With all the hurricane activities going down, I almost forgot to feel sorry for myself yesterday. Yep, my WWE talent contract is now history. I am a "Freebird" again. Seriously, it is a bittersweet situation. After almost 14-years with the company, I am not considered to be active television talent anymore. I am now a "Legend." Please.... Me? A Legend? It's true! I have a multi-year contract to prove it! Move over Gorgeous George, "The Fatman" is moving in!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

D-DAY... We Need Your Prayers Today

God of heaven and earth, God who carries our lives and the lives of our whole community in your hands, be with is in the peril of this day. Help us to release our anxieties and fears into those same caring hands, knowing in faith that your will for us is life and everlasting good. Send your holy angels to watch over us and guard us. May they spread their holy wings to give us shelter against the storm. For you alone, O God, are all good, all life, all love, and that love is for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

This will certainly be my last post here until Hurricane Dennis is history. I'm certain we will be without power and high speed internet for an indefinite period of time. I promise that we will be back as soon as possible.

For those of you that are really interested in what's happening live along our Gulf Coast, two of our local television stations are providing streaming access to their programs. You may access them at either, or

God Bless!

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Saturday, July 09, 2005

Dennis The Menace

We are ready. Everything is done, all we can do now is sit, wait, and pray. As you can see from todays update from The National Hurricane Center, Dennis' winds have dropped after crossing Cuba into The Gulf Of Mexico. However, all forecasts predict it's regaining strength as it nears our area. Anything can happen with these storms. About this time tomorrow, we will be feeling Dennis' wrath, no matter what it may hold in store for us. Our fate is in the hands of The Good Lord.

The AWF event in Semmes, Alabama went very well last night. The crowd was down a bit, but that was expect due to everyone preparing for the hurricane. Tonight's Ground Zero Benefit in Biloxi, Mississippi has been rescheduled to Friday, July 22nd. Sunday's event in Houma, Louisiana is still on; but I doubt that I will be able to attend as planned.

Have a good weekend!

Friday, July 08, 2005

A Tense Day Along The Gulf Coast

I haved lived in The Gulf Coast area almost my entire life, notwithstanding a few comings and goings due to the wrestling industry. I have never seen the pre-storm activity that is happening all around us this early in the game. Most residents wait until the last minute to prepare for our annual tropical visits. However, folks have been busy for the past few days in anticipation of what Dennis may bring to us on Sunday.

As the latest update shows above, Dennis is packing 150 mph winds as it streaks across Cuba. Only The Dear Lord knows what landfall along our coastline may hold in store. I'm satisfied that I have completely prepared my household for the inevitable. With the exception of boarding the windows, we are ready to rumble. My boards are already cut, as I used the same lumber for last year's Hurricane Ivan. All I have to do is put them up, and we will probably do that tomorrow.

The independent events that I mentioned in yesterday's BLOG are still scheduled to go on tonight and tomorrow. We will have to see what Sunday is like to determine if The Ground Zero Event in Houma, Louisiana is still set. If you live in the area, and plan on attending Sunday's Houma event, I suggest you contact the building Sunday afternoon. I will make a post here if at all possible.

I appreciate all of the kind emails and prayers from you folks. You are indeed the best.

Happy Friday To You All!

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Here we go again. This time I'm not too ashamed to admit that I am very worried about this one. Hurricane Dennis has the potential of becoming a major disaster for the Gulf Coast. We are 3-4 days away from landfall and there are already lines at many stores, banks, pharmacies and gas stations. Fortunately, we keep an emergency supply of storm needs. However, I was out early this morning restocking. For the first time, I even invested in a portable home generator. I was very lucky to get my hands on one, as Home Depot and Lowes are already sold out. We will keep you folks updated as we approach the weekend. I just ask for your prayers for everyone in Dennis' path.

Notwithstanding Hurricane Dennis, there are three independent events that I am planning on attending this weekend. Friday has the AWF - Alabama Wrestling Federation in Semmes, Alabama ( a suburb of Mobile). Saturday will see Ground Zero Pro Wrestling in Biloxi, Mississippi with a benefit for Sean Saxon, the 16-year old son of local indy star John Saxon. Sean was paralyzed in a swimming accident last summer. I ask that all local ring talent and fans do the right thing for Sean on Saturday evening. On Sunday, Ground Zero Pro will host another event in Houma, Louisiana.

As many of you already know, Sunday will mark the termination of my WWE talent contract dated October 3, 2003. For the first time in almost 14-years I will be free to work independent dates. I am really exicited about the new direction my career is taking. Keeping in mind that I also signed a new multi-year "Legends" deal with WWE last month. I will continue to have strong ties with the company while remaining a "Freebird."

I have been asked to comment on the recent mass releases of WWE talent. I don't really have anything to say on the subject at this time. Business is business, and just like in my situation, many of the talent were blessed with the run that they had with the company. The independent promoters are going to have a plethora of talent to choose from, and I understand that there are many more to come. I'm certain that that you will hear me speak more on this subject, and many more, as I am being booked on several wrestling talk shows in the coming weeks.

Take care my friends.
Tomorrow is Friday!

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Vacation Over... Cindy Welcomes Us Home...

Believe it or not... 8-days without turning on a computer or cellular phone. It's True!

Unfortunately, I noticed that a couple of BLOG entries that I made before leaving on my trip did not get posted. That's now been fixed. I apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused, as some folks thought I dropped off the face of the earth.

We arrived home last night from our vacation, only to be welcomed a couple hours later by tropical storm Cindy. We are lucky with just a few branches scattering our yard, and our electricity stayed on all night. As I am typing this, there are 25,000 homes in the area without power, flooding along the costal areas, and 8 inches of rain soaking the ground. The worst is now over for our area, as the storm is moving northward. I pray that those with damage and loss of power get back to normal quickly. Our eyes are now fixed on Tropical Storm Dennis. This could very well be a nasty one.

I'm busy answering emails, phone messages, snail mail, and the like. We haven't been away for 8-days in a very long time, much less on a vacation. We had a fine time!

Have a good Wednesday!

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