Friday, May 06, 2005

Yes... I'm Still Alive!

After receiving several emails asking if I was still alive, I figured I had better make a BLOG entry today. From the get-go I made it clear that I wouldn't write here everyday. It makes no sense for me to waste your time and mine, when I have nothing to say. To me, the old saying "No news, is good news" works well.

I drove to New Orleans Tuesday evening and stayed over, preparing for a business meeting that I had scheduled for Wednesday morning. It was an important meeting for me, and no, it had nothing to do with professional wrestling. I thought that instead of making the 130-mile trip early Wednesday, fighting the traffic, that I should take my time and relax, and be fresh for business. Things went well, and I had a casual trip home Wednesday afternoon. I even stopped and picked up some "quick picks" for the Louisiana PowerBall Lottery, that was up to $72 million. Unfortunately, I'm still not a millionaire. Heehee...

I'm looking forward to a beautiful weekend, as we celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday. Plus, Dianna's birthday is on Tuesday the 10th. She usually gets the bad end on gifts because her birthday and Mother's Day always fall within days of each other. Bless her heart.

There are a couple of independent wrestling events in the area this weekend. I'm going to do my best to stop in and say "howdy" if I can. Indy wrestling in the Mobile area has really taken a nose dive the past 2 or 3 months. There used to be two groups that ran every week. Things have certainly changed.

I wish you all a fine weekend, and I am planning a special Mother's Day update here, if the creek don't rise and The Good Lord willing.

Take care, my friends.