Monday, March 28, 2005


WRESTLEMANIA 21 logo and advertisement is the exclusive
property of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Needless to say, because of Paul Bearer's return with The Undertaker last year at WRESTLEMANIA XX in Madison Square Gardens, I have been bombarded with emails and interview requests regarding this year's event in Los Angeles. I am contracted to World Wrestling Entertainment, and I DO NOT answer questions, nor entertain any type of interview without the company's permission. Notwithstanding the fact that Internet fans wouldn't believe what I had to say anyway, because I denied my return last year right up until I uttered Paul Bearer's famous "Ohhhhhh.....Yeeeeeeeeessss," as I walked down the aisle. Keeping that in mind, I will not say if I will be in Los Angeles this coming weekend or not. Only the shadows know, and they ain't talking.

I will say that I am excited about another WRESTLEMANIA. It doesn't matter if I am there live in L.A., or sitting in front of my home television with the Pay-Per-View, watching along with the rest of the world. You must remember that my first WM was in Los Angeles too. That was WM-7, on March 24, 1991, at The LA Sports Arena. The Undertaker faced Jimmy Snuka that memorable evening. It blows my mind that here we are at WM-21, and that this will be the 14th WRESTLEMANIA that I have been associated with the finest sports entertainment company in history.

I sincerely hope you folks had a blessed Easter weekend. I thank you for all of the kind wishes and prayers. It's another beautiful day along The Gulf Coast. I even took my ipod earphones off my fat head this morning as I went for my walk, so I could enjoy the sounds of the birds under the cool baby blue Alabama sky.

I told you last week that I was having some computer problems. It could have been a major disaster, if it wasn't for the help of my brother. He's the computer wiz of the family. I've been amazed that many of my family and close personal friends read my BLOG often. They say they enjoy it, and that they are surprised at how much of my personal life I share with you folks here. In my mind, it's ALWAYS been about the fans. If it wasn't for wrestling fans, I would have never been blessed to live my dreams. I've always been a wrestling fan myself, and I will die a wrestling fan. My BLOG is a personal letter to my supporters. The rest of you are just reading someone else's mail.

God Bless.