Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Prayer Request

My Sister Joan and I hamming it up in
one of those old fashion photo booths. I
guess I was about 4 years old, and she
was 3.

I wrote several weeks ago that my sister Joan Marie, had her left knee replaced on February 20th. The surgery went well, and her rehab has been pretty much on schedule. However, she developed a blood clot on March 4th. They thought they had that situation taken care of, but she developed another one yesterday, and is undergoing surgery again as I type.

I ask that all my friends keep Joan in her prayers, and let's get her back on her feet as fast as she can. She is an avid hunter, fisherman, and NASCAR fan. I keep telling Her NASCAR is just like 'rasslin, but hell... what else would we have to argue about.

The Moody Trio, circa 1956. Of course that's me in the rocking
chair holding our baby brother Harry III a.k.a., "Bubba." Joan sits calmly on the ground waiting for me to drop brother dear. By the way, the rocking chair belonged to my maternal grandmother. She rocked in it, as well as my mother, aunts, and my granddaughter Grace enjoys it today.

The Moody siblings at my 50th birthday party last year at our parent's home. Joan Marie and "Bubba" never seem to change, but Lord look at me. I was fairly fresh from my Gastric Bypass Surgery, but the change between then and now is unreal.

Take care, my friends!