Monday, March 07, 2005

"Plowboy" Safe In California - Reunion In The History Books

"Plowboy" Kurt Niesen bids goodbye to his new found Gulf Coast friends, as we depart for the airport Sunday afternoon.

Our 14th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion was no doubt one of the best ever. Everyone had a fantastic time. I hated to see Kurt go, as we had the opportunity to spend some quality time together. Usually our friendship is limited to the telephone and emails. I spoke with him a few hours ago, and he is safely back on the "left coast."

I just can't understand why some "smarks" think they should be told the details of everything that goes on in our industry. Carpenters, Plumbers, Funeral Directors, Car Dealers, hell... they all have their private business conventions. Yet, we are trashed when we do not throw the doors of our reunion open to every Tom, Dick, and Mary that walk the streets. It's not the public's business what goes on behind the closed doors of our dressing rooms, our private homes, or our industries private conventions. But... I guess it's the nature of the beast. I will defend our PRIVATE reunion until they bury my fat butt in the red Alabama clay.

The members of our reunion are family. You don't want outsiders in your family reunions, do you? I said from the get go, you wouldn't get any details here. We pride ourselves in the little bit of "Kayfabe" that exists. Yes, there is still a bit of breath left in the almost cold corpse. I'll give her CPR until I pass out.

I thank all of my brothers and sisters that made our gathering such a success. I also appreciate those of you that respect what we do, and our privacy.

Take care my friends.