Tuesday, February 01, 2005


After a nice run of springlike weather, the tide (not The Crimson) has turned over the weekend. We escaped the ice that North Alabama and Atlanta experienced, but it has cooled down a bit, and it supposed to keep raining for another day or two.

There were two Mardi Gras parades last night. Even though it was sprinkling, we decided to trek downtown anyway. Dianna and I watched the festivities from the warm comfort of my SUV, while Daniel did his usual thing of trolling for Gulf Coast beauties. Afterwards, at Daniel's insistence, we had dinner at a local restaurant where he is employed. I think the real reason was to prove to his fellow employees, that he wasn't lying when he told them who his Daddy was.

The weather today isn't any better, in fact I think it may be colder outside. I just went out and got the mail, and dragged the garbage can up the driveway. As I walked through the garage, I passed my treadmill. It seemed to be saying, "Hey Fatman! You're not gonna' walk with me today?" I have been doing really good with my exercise. I haven't missed a day on the treadmill in about two weeks. Even if I think about it, I start to feel guilty, just like I am right now. Hey... it's only 11 am, we still have an entire day to go.

It just might be a good day to spend right here in my office. It is the first of the month, and I do need to make some phone calls and answer a few emails. The website needs a bit of attention too. I'm trying to come up with something halfway interesting for the STORYTIME section; and it's time to add a new member to my personal HALL OF FAME.

I recently learned that I have the honor of presenting Sir Oliver Humperdink with his award this year at The Cauliflower Alley Club Banquet in Las Vegas. Managers in our industry have been a dying breed for several years now. As one of the dinosaurs of the genre, I am proud as hell to be a part of saluting one of my peers.

Well, I hear our sausage dogs in another part of the house raising hell. I'm sure they want to go outside. I better go check on them, as Dianna bowls on Tuesdays. By God, I just realized I have the entire house to myself! I'm Home Alone! Ohhhhh.........YYYeessssssss! Let's see how much I get done now. Hee..hee...

Take care, my friends.
