Thursday, February 24, 2005

Happy Birthday Oscar!

Two of our three "babies" Dachshunds, Conecuh (left) and Oscar (right). They just love the morning sun.

I am certain that you dog lovers out there can appreciate that today our family is celebrating the 2nd birthday of our male Dachshund, Oscar. In the photo above, he is the red one on the right. We bought Oscar on April 9, 2003 to replace our Chinese Pug "Pugsley," who was 13 years old when we had him euthanized, coincidentally two years ago tomorrow. We decided on the Dachshund breed after realizing that no other pug could replace our departed "Pugsley." Oscar became a part of the family so quickly that we bought him a girlfriend "Conecuh." They eventually had a family of their own this past summer, as 4 female puppies were born. We kept the first born, and named her "Vienna." Needless to say, the three of them are just like my own kids and granddaughter. You mess with my dogs, you are walking on the fighting side of me.

I went to the bookstore a couple of days ago, and caught up on some of the new wrestling releases. I do that about 5 or 6 times a year. I pride myself on my wrestling library. I am currently reading Harley Race's autobiography.

I guess no news is good news, as they say. Things are fairly quiet around here. As my 'ol buddy Jim Ross says, " is getting ready to pick up", as we draw closer to our Annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion next week.

Take care!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bobby Shane

I took this photo of Bobby Shane at The Mobile Municipal Auditorium (now called The Civic Center) in 1971, I was still in high school and a ringside photographer, dreaming of finding my way into the wrestling business.

On this date in 1975, 30-years ago, a single engine plane piloted by wrestler Buddy Colt, crashed into Tampa Bay after returning from the matches in Miami, Florida. Three passengers included wrestlers, Austin Idol, Gary Hart, and Bobby Shane. Despite their serious injuries, Colt, Hart, and Idol, managed to swim safely to shore. Unfortunately, 29-old Robert Schoenberger, a.k.a. "Bobby Shane," was killed.

In 1975, I had been in the U.S. Air Force for almost 3-years, and made my ring debut the year before. I'll never forget the moment that my wrestling cousin, "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle called me while I was on duty at Keesler Air Force Base, in Biloxi, Mississippi, to give me the shocking news. Without a doubt, Bobby's passing was the first wrestling death that made a huge impact on my life. Little did I know then, that there would be more to come. Too many. Way too many.

I never had the opportunity to meet Bobby face to face. However, I watched him in the ring many times. He was without a doubt, one my favorites. Even today, I wonder what his position would have been in our industry, if he hadn't suffered such a tragic fate. To me, he had would it took in those days, to walk that provebial aisle as The NWA Champion. The biggest wrestling crowd that I ever witnessed in my hometown, was Bobby against the late Lee Fields. Lee was the promoter for Gulf Coast Wrestling, and came out of retirement after a long angle, to face Shane. More than 11,000 fans were on hand for that event. The fire marshall finally had to close the doors, as some were sitting in the aisles. In those days, that was unheard of.

Bobby had such a profound effect on me, that on my first trip to St. Louis with The WWF, I made it a point to visit his gravesite. Two years ago at The Cauliflower Alley Club banquet, I met Alfred Ticiento. Alfred is probably Bobby's biggest fan, and he has a wonderful tribute site dedicated to him. If you would like to know more about Bobby, I suggest that you take the time to check it out.

On a brighter note, The George Jones Concerts were two of the best ever. At 73 years of age, it is amazing that he still packs them in wherever he goes. With 50 years in the entertainment industry "The Possum" is definitely one of a kind. I've always said, when he sings, the angels stop to listen. I thank George, his wife Nancy, his band and road crew, for being so kind to me and my guests once again.

My sister, was released from the hospital this morning, following her knee replacement surgery last Monday. I know she's in her recliner right now, preparing for the Daytona 500, as she and her husband are big NASCAR fans.

My 75-year old Aunt is still hospitalized following her fall a week ago today. She had surgery on Tuesday. It looks like she will have to settle into a nursing home for a couple of months, as she is going to require attention 24/7.

Only 12-days to our annual Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion!

I wish you all a great week. Take care and God Bless.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Kerry Von Erich

"The Modern Day Warrior"

Kerry Von Erich

On this date in 1993, the world of Professional Wrestling lost one of it's finest talents, Kerry Adkisson. Most of you know that I had the pleasure of working in Dallas with The Von Erich Family for 6-years. When I moved on to The WWF, Kerry was already there. Needless to say due to our past history, Kerry and I shared a special bond. We spent a lot of time together, not only in locker rooms around the world, but special times as we traveled back and forth from Dallas during my first 7-months before moving back to Mobile.

Kerry was misunderstood by many people. Especially some who never grew tired of dragging his Family's name through the mud. Unfortunately, years after his death, there are still some Internet "Smarks" who do nothing but talk dirt about him. But, if you really knew him, you realized that he had a heart bigger than The State Of Texas. He was a great friend, that I think about quite often. I miss him dearly. May his soul, and the souls of his brothers and dear father, rest in peace.

Today's Possum Day!!! I will be spending this evening, and possibly tomorrow evening as well, with my Country Music Icon George Jones and his band. I always enjoy these get togethers several times a year. As far as country music goes, there's nobody better once you've heard the best, and that my friends is "The Possum."

Tickets go on sale tomorrow for the March 12th, WWE-RAW event here in my hometown at The University Of South Alabama's Mitchell Center. I'm looking forward to seeing my WWE family once again as I always love to welcome them to Mobile.

Until Next Time


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Countdown To "POSSUM DAY"

"The Possum" George Jones

Well, it's that time again! Another Possum Day is around the corner. My Country music idol George Jones will be appearing at The Biloxi Grand Casino this Friday and Saturday evening. Do you think I will be there?

Dianna has been in South Carolina for almost a week now. She is visiting her sister, for her niece's wedding, which took place yesterday. Valentines Day, Romantic... huh? She'll be home tomorrow, as you can be sure she will not allow me to go see George all by my lonesome.

My sister, Joan Marie, underwent knee replacement surgery yesterday. She is doing well. Unfortunately she will miss this The Possum this time around, as she always goes with us. She has been plagued with knee problems for years, and now will be able to run to the next concert. Bless her heart.

My Aunt, who is my Mom's sister, fell in her bathroom on Sunday morning at 2am. She was unable to get to a telephone, and was on the floor for 6 hours. My Mom started worrying about her, since they talk every morning. She lives close to me, so my son and I went over, and couldn't get an answer at her door. To make a long story short, she broke her leg (femur), and is in surgery as I type this morning. She will be 75 years old next week.

Speaking of 75. It was 75 degrees here yesterday, and going to be another warm one today. It feels like Springtime! Just a little over two weeks to go to The Gulf Coast Wrestler's Reunion. My dear Webmaster and friend Kurt Nielsen, is coming in for the Reunion. I can't wait to give him the grand tour of the Gulf Coast. Boy is he in for a culture shock from his California lifestyle.

Until next time, take care my friends.


Thursday, February 10, 2005

RIP Curt Hennig

"Mr. Perfect"
It just blows my mind to think that my dear friend Curt Hennig died two years ago today. Just like with all my departed brothers, I will never forget the moment when I heard the news. Curt and I always shared a special relationship. Just a few weeks before his passing we were working together in Nashville for NWA-TNA. I remember sitting in the bleachers with him, talking about all the boys who have passed away. He said, "Damn Percy, you just never know who is going to be next."
No... 'ol buddy, you just never know.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Rain Is Gone... and more.

Our 4-day rainfest finally ended, and Mardi Gras fever has really taken over our City. We went to last night's parade downtown, and had a fantastic time. The parades only get better each night, as we draw closer to Mardi Gras day on the 8th.

I had two unique wrestling experiences last night on the streets of Mobile, from two boys about 10 or 11 years old. The first one came up to me asking for an autograph, and told me how much he enjoyed watching 'Taker and myself take the WWF title from Hulk Hogan. That caught me completely by surprise, and I told him that he couldn't have seen it because he wasn't even born then. His response was, "Paul you know we can get DVDs now." Stupid me. LOL

The second young man came up to me later in the evening and asked, "Paul... is The Undertaker a face or a heel these days?" I couldn't find the words to respond to him. I just smiled and he walked away. Folks ask me if our business has changed. Please...

I was reading the newspaper this morning and realized that I had forgotten that a few days ago, January 28th, was the anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. I vividly remember that day. I pulled into the parking lot of The Sportatorium in Dallas to pick up my paycheck. Gino Hernandez pulled up next to me in his corvette at the same time. He asked if I was listening to the radio. I wasn't, I had a George Jones tape in at the time. Then he told me about the accident. We both went inside, and gathered around a little TV in Bronko Lubich's office and watched the newscast. That was the last time I saw Gino alive, as he was found dead two days later.

Well... it's treadmill time, and another big parade this evening. I wish you all a fine weekend.

Take care, my friends.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


After a nice run of springlike weather, the tide (not The Crimson) has turned over the weekend. We escaped the ice that North Alabama and Atlanta experienced, but it has cooled down a bit, and it supposed to keep raining for another day or two.

There were two Mardi Gras parades last night. Even though it was sprinkling, we decided to trek downtown anyway. Dianna and I watched the festivities from the warm comfort of my SUV, while Daniel did his usual thing of trolling for Gulf Coast beauties. Afterwards, at Daniel's insistence, we had dinner at a local restaurant where he is employed. I think the real reason was to prove to his fellow employees, that he wasn't lying when he told them who his Daddy was.

The weather today isn't any better, in fact I think it may be colder outside. I just went out and got the mail, and dragged the garbage can up the driveway. As I walked through the garage, I passed my treadmill. It seemed to be saying, "Hey Fatman! You're not gonna' walk with me today?" I have been doing really good with my exercise. I haven't missed a day on the treadmill in about two weeks. Even if I think about it, I start to feel guilty, just like I am right now. Hey... it's only 11 am, we still have an entire day to go.

It just might be a good day to spend right here in my office. It is the first of the month, and I do need to make some phone calls and answer a few emails. The website needs a bit of attention too. I'm trying to come up with something halfway interesting for the STORYTIME section; and it's time to add a new member to my personal HALL OF FAME.

I recently learned that I have the honor of presenting Sir Oliver Humperdink with his award this year at The Cauliflower Alley Club Banquet in Las Vegas. Managers in our industry have been a dying breed for several years now. As one of the dinosaurs of the genre, I am proud as hell to be a part of saluting one of my peers.

Well, I hear our sausage dogs in another part of the house raising hell. I'm sure they want to go outside. I better go check on them, as Dianna bowls on Tuesdays. By God, I just realized I have the entire house to myself! I'm Home Alone! Ohhhhh.........YYYeessssssss! Let's see how much I get done now. Hee..hee...

Take care, my friends.