Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's finally here!!!  The NWA WRESTLING LEGENDS WEEKEND in Charlotte, NC this weekend, August 5 - 8th.  If you haven't seen the website and the line-up for this event, it is breath taking.  It is without a doubt the who's - who of our industry.  Click on the blue link above and see for yourselves.

Although I will be in Charlotte on Friday the 6th, my signings and photo opportunities are scheduled for three sessions on Saturday the 7th, from 9:45 -11:45 am, then from 2:45 - 4:45 pm.  I will also be participating in a special manager's photo-op Saturday morning at 9:00 am.  My appearance is sponsored by   DUANE LONG PHOTOGRAPHY.

Believe me this is one you do not want to miss!  If possible, start making your plans yesterday.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


After 31-years what a beautiful adventure we are still on together, my son. My wholehearted prayer for you is that you will always be rooted and established in love, remembering my deep and unconditional love for you and your heavenly Father’s inexhaustible love for you – and surrounded by loving family and friends who encourage and support you. I pray that you continue to dream big and become all that God has created your heart to desire.  I pray that you stay close by God’s side even when it is the road less traveled, and that you live with conviction and stand for truth at every opportunity. I pray that you are always healthy and safe and that you feel God’s protective arms around you wherever you walk. I pray that you never doubt my deep desire to be the very best dad for you, and even during those moments when I fail, may you trust God to fill in those gaps with His unfailing love. May your life be built on the wisdom of God and a discerning heart; and know that your mom will forever be the most precious guardian angel a man could have.  I know she is as just as proud of you and your two wonderful girls as I am.

Be Blessed my son.

Monday, July 26, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - My Granddaughter Grace Elizabeth

Wishing a happy 6th birthday to my oldest granddaughter Grace Elizabeth.  My granddaughters are the lights in my life.  I treasure my family more than life itself.  She is growing so fast, so beautiful, so smart; and I am so proud of her and her parents.  May the Good Lord watch over and keep her safe all the days of her life.

Today I also remember the birthday of my paternal Grandfather, Harry W. Moody Sr.  My "paw-paw" was born on this date in 1914, he would have been 96 years-old.  Unfortunately, he passed away when I was only 9-years old, on June 3, 1963, at the young age of 49 from a massive heart attack..  I'll never forget him.

Be Blessed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Today would have been my little brother "Bubba's" 54th birthday.  "Bubba" passed away on October 28, 2006 from brain and lung cancer.  We miss him dearly, and will visit him today, where he lay alongside my wife Dianna, and leave both new flowers in loving memory.

Be Blessed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Countdown To Charlotte...

We are getting closer and closer to the gigantic NWA WRESTLING LEGENDS WEEKEND in Charlotte, NC on August 5 - 8th.  If you haven't seen the website and the line-up for this event, it is breath taking.  It is without a doubt the who's - who of our industry.  Click on the blue link above and see for yourselves.

Although I will be in Charlotte on Friday the 6th, my signings and photo opportunities are scheduled for two sessions on Saturday the 7th, from 9-11am then from 2-4pm.  My appearance is sponsored by   DUANE LONG PHOTOGRAPHY.

Believe me this is one you do not want to miss!  If possible, start making your plans yesterday.

Be Blessed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nine Years Ago Today

On this date in 2001 my late wife Dianna was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time.  Today I remember that horrible experience and ask that Our Good Lord bless all that have been touched by this dreaded disease.
Be Blessed.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Returning To Illinois This Weekend!

I am excited to be returning to the great State of Illinois this coming Saturday, July 17th. 
You can get all the details by simply clicking on this link: 
See you at ringside!
Be Blessed.