Friday, July 25, 2008

Weekend Of Birthdays

Today would have been my brother "Bubba's" 52nd birthday. He passed away in October 2006.
Tomorrow, Saturday, will be my grand daughter Grace's 4th birthday. This picture is a bit old, but she hasn't changed too much.
Saturday will also be my paternal grandfather's birthday. Harry W. Moody Sr., was born in 1914, and died in 1963.
Monday will be my oldest son (Gracies Dad) Michael's 29th birthday. DAMN I am old!
Be Blessed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

GAB... Fishing with Animal and Hammer... and more.

Tonight's the night. Enjoy!

I was part of of great indy event last evening at the fairgrounds in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Once again, The Pringle Dynasty - Version 2008 ran rampant. I appreciate all of you regular visitors here that came up to me and introduced yourselves.

We rushed my Dad to the emergency room this morning with chest pains. We ask that you please keep in in your prayers. Thanks.

My old friend George "The Animal" Steele passed this interesting link along to me, I am certain that he wouldn't mind me sharing it with you. Click on it and enjoy how great George and Greg look these days.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Remembering Bruiser and Bam-Bam...

My friend Frank Goodish "Bruiser Brody," died on this date in 1988, after being stabbed in the dressing room in Puerto Rico.
Another dear friend of mine, Terry "Bam-Bam" Gordy also passed away on this date, but in 2001. The photo below was taken in 1978, that's yours truly in the middle with Terry and Michael Hayes, before they were called The Freebirds.
Be Blessed.

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Monday, July 14, 2008


WWE.COM has an article up giving the odds on who my "son" Kane was talking about last week. You can see the results by clicking on this link:
Be Blessed.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I stumbled across this photo today (above), and boy did it bring back some memories. If I recall, it was taken in 1995 at a recording studio in New York City. I don't think it is necessary to identify those in the shot. We were there recording some tracks for a then WWF Album called "Full Metal - The Album." I do remember that it was released widely in Europe, I don't know if it was sold in the States or not.

We recorded two tracks, "We're All Together Now" and "Thorn In Your Eye." Yes we all actually sang the words along with heavy metal artists Jon Oliva, lead singer of Savatage (I think that is him in the photo with us); guitarist Scott Ian from Anthrax; and bassist Gary Meskil of Pro-Pain. The two songs were used on WWF television for a couple of years. If you were a fan back then, you definitely heard them; you just didn't know who the vocalists were. Now you do!

Man... we had a great time in the studio. I wish I could share some of the details with you. But I did want to share this image.

The photo above is my "son" Kane, rolling around on the dressing room floor with Goldust, and our friend WWF/WWE merchandising manager Jimmy Miranda. Jimmy passed away on this day in 2002. I try to recall this day each year on my BLOG, as Jimmy was one of a kind. We miss him so.
Be Blessed.

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Friday, July 11, 2008


It's Friday evening my friends, and the weekend is upon us. I will be appearing here in my hometown of Mobile, Alabama with HIGH IMPACT WRESTLING, this Sunday, July 13. If any of you folks live in the area, stop by and say "Howdy."
If you haven't picked up the new Ric Flair WWE DVD, I highly suggest you do. Like many of you, I have been a Flair fan forever. It is a 3-disc set, and I have not watched it completely yet. However, I must say that I throughly enjoyed disc 1, and I have seen part of disc 2. I especially enjoyed his TV match with Jack Brisco; and seeing him work with my late buddy Kerry Von Erich again. It's great stuff!

Speculation is still rampant about the Kane "Dead Or Alive" storyline. Having my roots still firmly planted in the old school tradition, I am amazed how many emails ask me to "spill the beans." Some say "please tell just me... I won't tell anyone." LOL

Whatever the company has planned, no matter if I know or not, there is no way that I could betray the industry I have been dedicated to my entire adult life. We will just have to wait and see what unfolds... together.

Have a great weekend!
Be Blessed.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Over the past 4-days, 80 thousand visitors,
and almost 1000 emails. They all ask...
"Is Paul Bearer Dead Or Alive?"
Be Blessed.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Mercy... has had over 20,000 visitors since WWE RAW went off the air last night, and my mailbox has been bombarded with emails. The question of the day seems to be...
"Was Kane's rampage last night about his cemented Father Paul Bearer?"

Sorry, but I can't answer that one. Interesting storyline, isn't it?

Be Blessed.


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Friday, July 04, 2008


Have a Happy and Safe 4th Of July!

Be Blessed.

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