Monday, April 28, 2008

Photos By Plowboy Kurt...

My extinguished webmaster "Plowboy" Kurt Nielsen recently mailed me copies of a few photos he took while he was here in Mobile during the Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion. The pic above shows The Pringle Threesome of, yours truly, "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle, and "The Future Legend" D.J. Pringle.
Here's "The Plowboy" paying his annual respects at the gravesite of "The Pascagoula Plowboy" Stan Frazier, also known as "Uncle Elmer." "Tiny" is buried at the National Cemetery in Biloxi, MS.
Kurt posing with a true ring legend, "The Great Mephisto" Frankie Cain.
Son D.J., standing with Frankie. Many regular visitors here know that Frankie gave me the name Percy Pringle in 1978. It was a pleasure introducing Daniel as a second generation Pringle.
D.J. chatting with local Gulf Coast wrestler/promoter Richard "Mountainman" Bailey.
Be Blessed.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kane's Birthday... Major Internet Interview...

Birthday wishes go out to my "son" Kane today! Ohhhh...yyyyeeeeesssssssss, I will never forget the night that child was conceived.

I taped and exclusive interview with Orlando Quinones from Sirius Radio last night, and it is now available at this link:

Orlando is a big fan is the 'Funeral Parlor' segement that Undertaker and myself locked The Ultimate Warrior in a casket on WWF SUPERSTARS OF WRESTLING, April 13th 1991. If you dare to flashback to that time click here:

Have a blessed weekend.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More 1985 Florida Stills...

Working the microphone with Rick Rude and the great Gordon Solie.
Getting slapped in the face by my dear brother, the late "Freebird" Terry Gordy.
Terry "Bam-Bam" Gordy tossing my Missing Link out of the ring.
The Missing Link squaring off with Jack Hart, later known as Barry Horowitz in the WWF. Jack later became part of the Pringle Dynasty losing in the neighborhood of 140 matches before beating Mike Graham for the Florida Heavyweight Title.
Doing a promo with The Pretty Young Things, KoKo B. Ware and Norvel Austin.
The Pretty Young Things versus Mark and Jay Youngblood.

Ravishing Rick and yours truly with Gordon Solie, "So Long From The Sunshine State!"

Be Blessed.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Remembering "Ravishing" Rick

On this day in 1999, "Ravishing" Rick Rood passed away. It just doesn't seem possible... 9-years ago. I had so many things I wanted to say this morning. A Sunday morning where I just watched Pope Benedict pray at the site in New York City where the tragedy of September 11th happened. It just hit me that Rick had died two years before 9/11. There is nothing heaven cannot heal. Eternal rest to my dear friend, may he rest in peace.

Be Blessed.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Goodbye Buffalo Jim...

I was truly humbled this Sunday morning as I checked my email. Among some belated birthday wishes, offers for internet radio interviews and personal appearances, was a note from one of Buffalo Jim's four daughters.

My friend Buffalo was buried in the sands of Las Vegas just yesterday, yet his daughter found it in her heart to tell me how much Jim thought of me, and thanked me for my post here a couple of days ago. Man... is she ever like her wonderful father or not? Putting her personal grief aside to think of others.

If you missed my initial thoughts about Buffalo's passing, I would like to share them with you again. MY BLOG - APRIL 9, 2008

Also, here's a couple of links to some local Las Vegas reports about 'Buff," one includes a slide show from his memorial service yesterday.

My memories of Buffalo Jim will be eternal, and I will close today with the words of a song by country star Randy Travis - Heroes and Friends.

I ain't lived forever, but I've lived enough
I've learned to be gentle, and I've learned to be tough
I've found only two things that last 'til the end,
One is your heroes, the other's your friends

Your heroes will help you find good in yourself
Your friends won't foresake you for somebody else
They'll both stand beside you through thick and through thin
That's how it goes with heroes and friends

I grew up with cowboys I watched on TV
My friends and I sometimes pretended to be
Years have gone by, but now and again
My heart rides the range with my heroes and friends

Your heroes will help you find good in yourself
Your friends won't foresake you for somebody else
They'll both stand beside you through thick and through thin
That's how it goes with heroes and friends

Be Blessed.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Morning Picture Show

Lord... it's looking back at photos like this prior to my gastric bypass surgery that really remind me actually how big I was at one time. Here I am during my short stint with TNA early on in their promotion.
Looking right at home in a New Orleans Cemetery... Ohhhhh.....yyyeesssssss!

Posing with my "Trifecta" Stable with The MWF in Boston.

A masked PP3 manging the late "Spoiler" Don Jardine in 1978. I had my haircut in a hair match between AWA Champ Nick Bockwinkle and one of my Mongolians. I wore the mask for a bit until the hair started coming back.

At home with my three spoiled dachshunds.

Have a great weekend!

Be Blessed.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Bossman Arrives In Florida Championship Wrestling

"The Bossman" Percival Pringle III as he arrives at Tampa International Airport for the very first time in 1985. "Ravishing" Rick Rude holds the door of the baggage compartment open of Percy's private "jet" so he can onload... and onload he did...
It seems Percy's jet was in the hangar for maintanance so he had to make his debut in Lester Welch's beat up, smoking, old cessna. Needless to say, he bitched out Rude, his Pretty Young Things, blaming them for the transportation problems.

This vignette in my humble opinion is without a doubt one of the funniest pieces of video that I ever did in my 30+ years in the business, second only to the "hidden camera" video that me and Jerry Lawler did in the dressing room about the night my "son" Kane was conceived.

This capture shows the moment that one of my dreams came true. I finally got to work with the great Gordon Solie for the first time.
The late Rick Rude and myself introducing ourselves to the Florida Wrestling fans.

Followed by the debut of the original Pringle Dynasty including The Missing Link, The Pretty Young Things - Norvel Austin and KoKo B. Ware, and Ravishing Rick.

We began right away by starting an angle with the late Pistol Pez Whatley. Rick almost immediately took the Southern Heavyweight Championship.

I'd like to thank my old friend Ron Weiss from Ocala, Florida for sending me this footage on DVD. I have all of this stuff on VHS, but it can't compare to this quality. I will be sharing more with you in the coming days, and if I can figure out how to work YouTube, I would love to get the actual footage of some of this up, so you can enjoy this classic stuff along with me.

I would also like to thank all of you for the kind birthday wishes yesterday. You folks are the best!

Be Blessed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Yep... that's right today I turn 54-years old!

What else can I say?

Be Blessed.

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

"Buffalo Jim" Is Dead...

Here we go again... another dear friend passes away.
One of the most colorful characters ever to come out of Las Vegas died on Sunday, April 6th. I wish I could tell you all about my friend Jim Barrier. He operated several business in Vegas, including a auto electrical shop, and his own Buffalo Wrestling Federation. "Buff" had the largest Muhammed Ali collections in the world. He was dedicated to his family and his many, many friends.

Gosh... I have so many Buffalo stories. He used to pick me and 'Taker up at the airport in his limousine everytime we came to Vegas, and for quite awhile that was very often. We were with Undertaker the night (all night) when got his very first tattoo. I wish I had all the postage that he used to send me so many things in the mail though the years, pictures, DVDs, tapes from his wrestling show, music, newspapers, he even had his own wooden nickle with his face on it.

When I think of my favorite "Buff" story, I always recall one particular night we (me, 'Taker, and Buff) were together at one of Vegas' top strip clubs. I guess we must have been there 5 or 6 hours, when Buffalo went to the restroom. 'Taker told me he couldn't take it anymore, and was going to sneak out and get a cab and go back to our penthouse at the Imperial Palace. Just the fact that 'Taker was leaving was a statement in itself, we are talking about THE Vegas party animal of the 1990s. Well... I was too 'nice' to run out on our friend, although he probably would have never known I was gone. LOL Anyway... I stayed for another hour or so and ran out into the rising sun over sin city the next time "buff" hit the bathroom. It is one of those you had to be there moments.
There's several news stories out there about his passing, here's a couple:

We will miss you 'ol friend...

Be Blessed.

More pics...

Waiting with my WWE convertible before I served as Grand Marshall at one of Mobile's Mardi Gras parades several years ago.
Dancing with the stars, Rikishi, Scotty Too Hotty, and Grandmaster Sexay, during a WWE event in Mobile.
Opening a WWE event in Mobile in 2006.

Be Blessed.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Who needs pictures with memories like mine...

Legends of the ring convention (left to right) Boris Zurchov, Bryan "Kronik - Adam Bomb" Clark, Slick, J.J. Dillon, Tugboat, and yours truly holding J.J.'s new book.
Posing with a young Undertaker fan in aGerman hotel lobby around 1993.
No hot tamalie for me.... LOL
Hamming it up with John Layfield at the Houston Space Center during WRESTLEMANIA-17 in 2001.

Be Blessed.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Mick 'Mankind' Foley and my "son" Kane tend their bloody manager in San Antonio, Texas.
"Maniac" Matt Borne and myself pose with a very young Brandon Baxter at the Dallas Sportatorium in the mid to late 1980s. For those of you in the Tennesse area you remember Brandon as a good wrestling manager in his own right. He is now a DJ in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Mick Foley, "Freebird" Buddy Roberts, and yours truly in Nashville, TN. That's Dr. Tom Prichard over my left shoulder in the dark.
My good friend, ring legend Les Thatcher and myself talking shop.

As I said, I am going to do my best, as my schedule permits, to present some never seen photos that I have in my private collection, and stories right here in the coming weeks.

We ran over to Pensacola last evening to an indy event there. Youngest son Daniel was on the card, so we tried to hide out with Dianna, our daughter-in-law Jami, new granddaughter Danielle, and our 3 and 1/2 year old granddaughter Grace. I had a good time visiting backstage with the boys, and it is true the sometimes the best view is from a seat in the arena with your family and friends.

Have a great Sunday!
Be Blessed.