Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Thanks HAYZE for the fine banners!

Be Blessed.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Grace's Party Pics...

I hope you all are having a fine Sunday. I just wanted to share a few pictures from Granddaughter Grace's 3rd birthday party yesterday with you.

Be Blessed.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Today is my son Michael's 28th birthday. Talking about making a man feel old. I will never forget this day. I was on my first trip to Japan in 1979. So I sent Dianna to Ohio to be with her family while I was there. I had planned to fly back to Ohio to be with her, because we knew we were going to cut it close. Cutting it close is an understatement. I got back around 12 noon, and at 3pm she went into labor with Michael.

Since his daughter (our Granddaughter) Grace's 3rd birthday was this past Wednesday, we are celebrating both this afternoon.

The photo below was taken during my Dallas days. I think Michael was about maybe 5 at this time. Damn... I am an old fart. heheeeee......

By the way, I don't think I have posted this bit of news yet. Our youngest son Daniel, is expecting his first child in February. So we are going to be grandparents again!

Be Blessed.



Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gracie's Birthday....

Today is Granddaughter Grace's 3rd birthday! In the photo above she is helping Grandpa Percy blow out his birthday candles this past April. She is getting so big, smart, and good looking just like her Grandpa. heheeee...... Her Dad is out of town on business, so we will officially celebrate it on Saturday. I'll try to post some pictures for 'ya.

Speaking of Grandpa's. On this date in 1914, my own Grandpa was born. He passed away in 1963 when I was about 8 years old. It scary to think he was my age when he died. I have many fond memories of him. He used to love to fish and have a drink now and then. When he would take me fishing with him, he would buy me candy if I promised not to tell my Grandma (Nanny) that he imbibed. Of course, I ate the candy and stooged my butt off.

We have one more family birthday coming up on Saturday.

Be Blessed.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My little brother "Bubba" would have been 51-years old today. Bubba entered eternal life on October 28, 2006. He fought a valiant battle against cancer, and was certainly a much better man than I. One day we'll have a family reunion high above the moon, where birthdays are no more. We miss you "Burger-relli" !!!
Be Blessed.



Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I just learned that my old friend Ronnie P. Gossett passed away last evening after a long illness. Many of you may not know Ronnie P., however many southern wrestling fans, especially those in the Tennessee area, will remember him as a longtime wrestling manager. He was without a doubt one of the funniest men I ever met, and I just enjoyed sitting back and listening to him tell stories. Rest In Peace my friend.

Be Blessed.

Monday, July 16, 2007

"Bruiser" and "Bam-Bam"

Today we remember two of the best "big men" in the history of our sport...
Terry "Bam-Bam" Gordy died on this date in 2001.
"Bruiser Brody" passed on this date in 1988.

May their souls and the souls of all of our brothers
and sisters rest in the arms of Our Saving Lord.

Be Blessed.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday The 13th Catchup

Here's wishing you all a good Friday the 13th, and a great weekend ahead.

I've been procrastinating posting lately, not because there hasn't been any news, but my time has been limited. One week ago lightening hit my funeral home, knocking out our phone system and computer network. It's that time of year here on the Gulf Coast where electical storms are frequent; another price we pay to live in "God's Country."

I attended a indy event in the Florida Panhandle last weekend, and I must say that it was one of the best I have seen in a very long time, not that I get to go to many these days. It was like a breath of fresh air to see things done in the old school fashion, and the talent actually got paid for their hard work.

WWE was in the area also, with house shows on either side of Mobile, in Biloxi MS and Pensacola FL. It was good to see my extended family again, and they presented a fine event which was well attended.

Emails continue, wanting to know why I haven't commented on the recent tragedy in our business. The answer is simple... I don't care to do so. I may in time, but right now I don't want too; there are enough words out there right now without my contributions. I have turned down interview requests from all of the local networks and newspapers, notwithstanding internet sites.

My wife Dianna is in Ohio on a family emergency. She left yesterday and will be gone for a week. Just me and my 3 sausage dogs at the house.

My dear friend Jimmy Miranda passed away on yesterday's date in 2002. Jimmy was a cornerstone of the WWF/WWE merchandising department. I'll never forget Jimmy, he was one of the good ones.

Many of you may have seen a link for GREATER GULF COAST WRESTLING on my website. In the wake of my closing Gulf South Wrestling two months ago, GGCW is my new endeavor. Can you imagine that some actually thought I would get out of wrestling? Please.....

Be Blessed.