Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ned Noodlebody

My dear friend and extremely talented Webmaster Kurt "Plowboy" Nielsen has posted his "Ned Noodlebody" Cartoon on YouTube and it is now available for viewing. He debuted the cartoon at The Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion last year. You may recognize some of the voices, maybe even Ned Noodlebody himself. LOL
We are so blessed to have Kurt's talents here at PP.com !
I'm sure most of you are familiar with YouTube. Just click on the screen below and enjoy!

Be Blessed!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy Memorial Day !

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day! If you happen to live in the area, I will be appearing at The Santa Rosa Auditorium in Milton, FL tomorrow night (Saturday) at 7:30 pm.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Remembering Owen and more sad news...

My friend Owen Hart died on this date in 1999. It just doesn't seem possible even after all these years. I will never forget that tragic evening, even if I hadn't been there myself.

My friend Jeff Jarrett lost his wife Jill to cancer this morning. Jill and my wife were diagnosed with the horrible disease the first time about the same time. I have followed Jill's years of suffering closely, bless her heart. We pray that The Good Lord will keep Jeff, his daughters, and all of The Jarrett Family in the palms of His healing hands during the difficult days to come. It is ironic that Jill died on the anniversary of Owen's death, as Jeff and Owen were such close brothers.

I will end today's BLOG with the words I said on The WWE RAW tribute to Owen the night after he died.

They will not grow old,
as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
and in the morning.
we will remember them.

Be Blessed.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Hello my friends,

I began this writing a couple of times, and deleted it. This time I have promised myself that I am going to finish it without any apologies to anyone. My reputation speaks for itself. I have never been one to brag. If you think I am bragging here, so be it. I have been there, and done it, and have earned the right to speak my mind, if it bothers you, you may be the one to whom it is directed in the first place. So, here it goes...

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired of what is happening to the business that I have dedicated my entire adult life too. All of the drops of blood, sweat and tears that I have left on canvas' around the world will make it all worthwhile if I can just look back and see that the upcoming generation will ensure the propagation of the "King of Sports." Unfortunately, that isn't the case. I turn my head and look behind me and see that some independent promoters and talents are doing nothing but eradicating the legacy that myself and my peers have worked so hard to establish.

I even found this cancer in my own GULF SOUTH WRESTLING group. That is why it is no more.

I have received so many positive emails from local talents and fans regarding the closing of GSW. I said I would tell it like it is, however a public forum is not the place to address the improprieties that were taking place. Basically, the feeling was that “let’s get rid of Moody then we can do things our way.” Well they can do it their way, and I will sit back and watch, when it is over I will be right here and say “I told you so.”

I’ve seen it so many times. Wrestling destroys the very fabric of lifelong friendships, marriages, and lives. So many of my brothers have fallen by the wayside, and I vow that it will not happen to me. If I let it happen it would be a slap in the face of those that have put their trust and respect in me. So I decided to dissolve the GULF SOUTH WRESTLING Corporation completely. Friends, I saw this coming a long time ago. I just couldn’t allow it to steal anymore of my time.

I put 22-months into GSW, and those that are familiar with its operation know that it was 75% me, and the other 25% was the total combination my three partners. That is not an exaggeration by far. Notwithstanding some who did not have interest in the company, but thought if I was out they were in. Well… I’m tagging you in my brothers; let’s see what you can do.

I am not going anywhere. In fact, since I don’t have GSW hanging over my head invitations have been coming in asking me to appear on events again. Will I ever get involved with local independent promotions again? I learned a long time ago NEVER say NEVER.

I appreciate your support, and have a great weekend!

Be Blessed.


Remembering "The British Bulldog"

My friend Davey Boy Smith passed away on this date in 2002. May his soul and the souls of all our departed brothers and sisters rest in peace.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Birthday wishes...

With all the buzz happening today regarding the closing of our independent organization GULF SOUTH WRESTLING I almost forgot my dear friend "Freebird" Buddy Roberts. Today is Buddy's birthday. The photo above was taken in Nashville in the early 2000's, Mick Foley, Buddy Jack and yours truly. We love 'ya Buddy!!!
Tomorrow, May 17th, is The Hebner Brother's birthday. Talking about good people. I'm so blessed to have so many great friends. Happy Birthday David and Earl!
Take care my friends.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


It is with mixed feelings that I announce the closing of GULF SOUTH WRESTLING, effective immediately. It is a business decision within the corporate structure. Emotions are high this evening so I will not ramble, however I will "tell it like it is" in time.
Until then...
Be Blessed.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


A mother's love determines how
We love ourselves and others.
There is no sky we'll ever see
Not lit by that first love.

Stripped of love, the universe
Would drive us mad with pain;
But we are born into a world
That greets our cries with joy.

How much I owe you for the kiss
That told me who I was!
The greatest gift
--a love of life--
Lay laughing in your eyes.

Because of you my world
still hasThe soft grace of your smile;
And every wind of fortune bears
The scent of your caress.







Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Miss Elizabeth

Remembering my friend, "Miss Elizabeth" who passed away on this date in 2003. What a class act indeed.

Be Blessed.