Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oscar's Birthday, Reunion and Seminar Week...

Our esteemed Webmaster "Plowboy" Kurt Nielsen will arrive here in Mobile on Wednesday evening for The GULF COAST WRESTLERS REUNION (GCWR). This will be "Plowboy's" third visit to "God's Country." The above photo shows him saying goodbye to my three dachshunds during his last visit, Oscar, Conecuh, and Vienna. Today by the way, is Oscar's (he's the red one with the blue collar in Kurt's arms) 4th birthday. Kurt will be staying at our home, which will be filled with good food, Jack Daniels, The Les Thatcher Seminar, and The GCWR for sure.
GULF SOUTH WRESTLING is sponsoring "An Evening With Les Thatcher" this Thursday night, March 1st, beginning promptly at 7:00 pm. More information can be found by clicking on this link: LES THATCHER SEMINAR INFORMATION
The photo above shows Les, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and former NWA Heavyweight Champion Harley Race at one of their ELITE PRO WRESTLING TRAINING seminars.

Have a great week!
Be Blessed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Well... tonight the final parade of the 2007 Mardi Gras season rolls through the streets of Mobile. We certainly contibuted our share to the hysterics during the past two weeks. We ended our personal celebration last night... we made it through another one! Tomorrow begins Lenten season. Let's see... what should I give up? Wrestling? Blogging? Undertaking? I guess I'll think of something.
I've received a few emails concerning my youngest son Daniel, seen in the blue ring attire above. Daniel turned 20 in January, and has made his wrestling debut. In this photo he is grappling another second generation rising star, one of the sons of Rikishi. Daniel just recovered from a serious bout with staph infection, that I am certain he contracted in the ring. You young guys out there need to remember to keep yourself and your equipment clean; and the indy promoters have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for their athletes.

Next week brings my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING mini-seminar with ring legend Les Thatcher. We are all excited about this, as Les spent some time with us last year and certainly made quite an impresssion on local indy talent. You can never spend too much time under that proverbial "learning tree," no matter how long you have been in the business.

In fact, I am going to be on Les' and Doc Young's WRESTLING WEEKLY internet show tonight at about 8:30 PM (CT).

Take care my friends.
Be Blessed.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mardi Gras In Full Swing... and more

Mardi Gras is in full swing around Mobile, and believe me we've been hitting the streets every night. Not tonight my friends... this old man needs a rest. We have our granddaughter Grace with us this afternoon, and we're planning on having her Mom & Dad, and Uncle Daniel over for Dinner this evening.

Things have been slow around the funeral home this week, I guess you can say it's bad for business, and good for everybody else. It's given me some well needed time to go to the parades, spend some time online (which I don't do as much as I used to), and just catch up things that I put on the back burner when I am working.

I spent most of yesterday helping to get the building readied for our 16th Annual Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion. There's just something about working around my heroes, that I used to cut grass to buy a ticket to see. I can't get enough of their stories, especially the behind the scenes tales during the time I was sitting at ringside. This helps me understand, why most internet fans today want to know whats going on backstage. But you know, hindsight being 20/20... if I had the internet in those days, it wouldn't have been so much fun for me. But... that was then, this is now.

I'm excited about having my friend and ring legend Les Thatcher present a mini-seminar at out Training School on March 1st. He has so much to share with the up and coming talents of today.

Well... Grace just came and and begged for one of my action figures. Of course I gave her one, and super glued the urn into my hand, so she won't lose it. In my heart I know that's what it's all about... My granddaughter running around the house with a Paul Bearer doll shouting... "Grandpa... it's Grandpa!" Ya' gotta' love it.

That wraps it up for this Sunday afternoon.
Be Blessed.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Rembering "Mr. Perfect" and "The Yellow Rose Of Texas"

My friend Curt Hennig "Mr. Perfect" passed away on this date in 2003. David Von Erich died on this date as well, in 1984.

Be Blessed!

Monday, February 05, 2007



WHEN: Friday, March 2nd - 5 pm (Dinner), and Saturday, March 3rd - 10 am

WHO CAN ATTEND: To be eligible for attendance, you MUST be actively engaged in a legit form of the professional wrestling business, or retired from a career in the ring. This includes wrestlers, managers, referees, promoters, and associated talents.

Unfortunately, persons deeming themselves “Wrestling Historians,” "Internet Reporters", or fans of our sport are not welcome. Just because you bought yourself some trunks and a pair of boots and wrestle in your backyard or free for some self-proclaimed indy "promoter", DOES NOT automatically make you eligible.

You MUST have a legit background in our industry. On the same note, just because you decided to run a show or two, and call yourself a "promoter" DOES NOT make you eligible. ALL APPLICANTS will be screened at the door.

If you have ANY doubts about your eligibility, please email me with your concerns at:

You DO NOT want to be embarrassed and turned away at the door. I am prepared for some to be offended by our strict regulations; I'm sorry, but business is business. "Kayfabe" lives at The Gulf Coast Wrestlers Reunion.

MEMBERSHIP DUES: If your application was submitted prior to January 1, 2007, dues was $25.00. After January 1, 2007, dues is $30.00. If you decide to pay at the door, $35.00 is required. We ask that you help us get an accurate count for food service, by please paying in advance if at all possible. We suggest that you do not mail dues and applications after February 23rd, as chances are that they will not reach us in time.

 The 2007 Reunion will be our 16th annual gathering.
 If you cannot make it on Friday evening, you are welcome to attend Saturday.
 There will be food, drinks, and entertainment both days.
 We encourage you to please come early, there’s always something going on, especially if you plan to submit your dues and your application at the door.
 We want to remind you that drugs and alcohol are not permitted on the grounds of our reunion, and everyone is expected to act in a professional manner; remembering that THIS IS NOT A FAN FESTIVAL.

You may also email me for an application.

Also, do not forget The Les Thatcher Mini-Seminar the night before the GCWR, Thursday, March 1st, at 7 pm; at The Gulf South Wrestling Training Center in mid-town Mobile. Admission to this outstanding event is more liberal, and open to ALL area independent talents and associated persons.

More information on both events are forthcoming.

Be Blessed!

Friday, February 02, 2007

HAPPY MARDI GRAS and more...

Yes my friends, it's that time again... MARDI GRAS ! The first parade of the season rolls tonight in downtown Mobile at 6:30 PM. If you have been a regular visitor here, you all know what a passion we have for Mardi Gras around here. Many think Mardi Gras is just a New Orleans thing, that is so far from the truth. In fact, Mardi Gras began right here in Mobile.

We have our own spot where my family, friends, and my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING brothers and sisters gather for the downtown parades. You can click on this link, we're very easy to spot, right across the street from Bienville Square, on Conception Street, between Dauphin and St. Francis. OUR SPECIAL MARDI GRAS PARADE SPOT

Poor Dianna, is in Ohio for a week visiting her family. She hasn't been "home" in a couple of years. Her health is improved so now, that I made sure she got to go as soon as her Doctors gave the OK. She says she's freezing her a## off, bless her heart. LOL We'll think about her during the parade tonight!

Don't forget that my dear friend and ring legend Les Thatcher will be conducting a mini-seminar at our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING Training Center at 7:00 PM on March 1st. Anybody involved with the Gulf Coast Wrestling scene are welcome to attend. You can find more about Les at: Les

Have a great weekend!
Be Blessed!