Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday morning coming down...

A good Sunday morning to you all.

In the midst of the threat of the the first hurricane of the season, and remembering Katrina that devastated the Gulf Coast one year ago; I would like to respond to many emails from you folks with your concerns about Dianna.

I went with her to the hospital on Friday for a biopsy. Unfortunately, the area of concern couldn't be reached through the "normal" needle biopsy. She must go through a minimum invasive surgical procedure soon, to obtain the biopsy. Chances are that it is not cancer, but the possibilities cannot be ruled out considering her past history. We ask that you continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will let you know something as soon as we can.

Brother Harry "Bubba" continues to be doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. His strong will power, faith and positive attitude keeps the Moody Family's wagons in a tight circle these days.

I began a new challenging endeavor about a month ago. Many of you know that I have been working back in the funeral industry pretty much full time this year. Early on in my mortuary career I always thought how great it would be to find a Funeral Director who had an established buisness, who wanted to step back, and was looking for someone to take over for him. I met a gentleman who operated an established cemetery, and recently built a brand new funeral home on the property. He was looking for a Funeral Director to manage the facility for him. Just the opportunity I was looking for. So... I have been busy getting things in order, and our doors will be open very soon. Needless to say, notwithstanding our family's health issues, I have been extremely busy, thus the lack of updates around here these days.

My Gulf South Wrestling organization is also doing well. We have two events scheduled in September, that takes up what little bit of free time I do have. Believe me, I am not complaining, it's all a good thing.

I was just watching the news coverage of the commuter plane crash in Lexington, Kentucky. Having been in the area many times through the years, even flying out of that very airport, my thoughts and prayers are with the familes and friends of the crew and passengers.

Have a great week, my friends!
God Bless.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Frightening Deja Vu...

It was just two weeks ago that I wrote about my wife Dianna's mastectomy in 2001, following breast cancer diagnosis. I asked that all of the Ladies have their yearly mammograms, and for you guys to remind them of it.

Well... today Dianna had her yearly mammogram and we are very concerned about the results. Her physician found a suspicious spot on the x-ray and a needle biopsy is the next step. Please keep her in your prayers. This just can't be happening to us again!

Notwithstanding, brother "bubba's" continuing fight with the dreaded desease.

I have always considered all of you that visit here regularly a part of my extended family.
I apreciate you all!
God Bless.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Catching up...

Any of you old of enough to remember can probably recall where you were when you heard the news on this date in 1977. The day Elvis Presley died. I was one year fresh out of the Air Force and was serving my first apprenticeship as a Funeral Director. I was listening to the radio at the funeral home when learned of his passing. About two weeks after his funeral I was in Memphis doing Jarrett's TV show, and visited the mausoleum where they kept his body until they moved him to Graceland. There were still hundreds of floral tributes lining the roadways to his grave.

Speaking of funeral homes, I recently made a change and I am now managing Funeral Director at a brand new facility. I have been busy geeting things ready to serve our first family. We should be open by this time next week.

Many of you have asked about my weekend at THE CAPITOL LEGENDS CONVENTION. I wish I had the time to tell you all about it. It was simply fantastic! I had more fun than the fans who paid to attend. I visited with many old friends that I haven't seen in such a very long time, especially Bret Hart. There's nothing like old friends.

Have a great week.
God Bless.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

WWE event last night... big convention on Saturday...

I had a blast opening the WWE SMACKDOWN event here in my hometown last night. It was great seeing so many old friends!

Speaking of old friends, that will be the case this weekend in Rockville, MD just outside of Washington, DC. I will be appearing on Saturday afternoon, please stop by and say "Howdy!"

Have a great week, my friends.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

SMACKDOWN in town tonight...

Of course the photo above was taken 4-5 years ago, but the headline is the same. WWE SMACKDOWN is in Mobile tonight, and I'm looking forward to visiting with my old friends at The Mitchell Center. If you live in the area, I'll see you there!


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ATTENTION Ladies and their Gentlemen...

Five years ago today, my wife Dianna was wheeled into an operating room to have her right breast removed. I would never wish that experience on anybody. PLEASE Ladies get your annual mammograms, and do your personal monthly checks! PLEASE Gentlemen, don't be afraid to remind them! Cancer can be cured if detected early. Dianna is cancer free today. Praise The Lord!

Take care friends.
