Monday, July 31, 2006

Good News Monday...

Our family received some great news today, brother Harry "Bubba" is going to get to go home tomorrow (Tuesday) after spending 37-days in the hospital. He has been waging a valiant battle with cancer and still has a long road ahead of him. Once again our family appreciates your prayers, and asks that you continue to remember him.

The photo above shows Granddaughter Grace, opening one of her gifts during her 2nd birthday party this past week. That's her Mom Beth, giving her a helping hand; and Great-Grandmother Moody looking on in the background.

WWE SMACKDOWN will be here in Mobile this Saturday, August 5th, I am anxiously anticipating spending some quality time with my friends.

God Bless.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A 3 Birthday Week and more...

We have three Birthday's in The Moody Family this week. Today is my brother Harry's "Bubba" (below) 50th Birthday. Unfortunately he is still in the hospital, where he has been for over a month now. For those of you that visit here regularly, you are aware of his battle with cancer; and we continue to appreciate all of the thoughtful emails and prayers.

Tomorrow is Granddaughter Grace's 2nd birthday. The photo above is her "official" birthday photograph. She's is getting a day off from daycare tomorrow and gets to spend the day with me and Grandma Pringle. Do you think we will spoil her? No way! right...

Then on Friday, our oldest Son Michael will be 27 years old. That's him in the picture above with his wife Beth. He doesn't look like a Pringle does he? Now maybe if he had some of his daddy's hair. hehee....

On Saturday, I will be spending the afternoon with The United States Air Force. I will be making appearances at the base commissaries of Eglin Air Force Base and Hurlburt Field, in the Florida panhandle. if you live in the area come out and say "howdy!" I was in The Air Force from 1972 - 1976, and I am really looking forward to meeting the troops.

Take care, my friends.


Sunday, July 23, 2006




Monday, July 17, 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's been a very long week...

A long week indeed, as my little brother Harry "Bubba" spends his third week in the hospital. The photo above shows the young Moody Brothers sitting high above the moon. Below, "Bubba" carves the turkey at one our Family gatherings.
Frequent visitors here are aware of "Bubba's" valiant fight with cancer. I continue to receive encouraging emails and prayers each and every day; for that our Family thanks you again. It seems each time his physicians resolve one issue, another pops up. He is having a very hard time right now, but our faith remains strong as our Dear Lord keeps him in the palms of his healing hands.

Last Friday night, July 7th, I enjoyed participating in a great wrestling "Night of Legends" event in Batesville, Mississippi; promoted by All Pro Championship Wrestling. I got to manage my 'ol friend Kamala against Mr. Hughes, and also manage a team against Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher. Also on the card were Don Bass, Dusty Wolfe, Porkchop Cash, Peggy Lee Leather, Bambi, Tommy Rich, Bill Dundee, Doug Gilbert, Robert Gibson, Brickhouse Brown, Jimmy Valiant, and so many more.
Then on Sunday, July 9th, I promoted my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event here in Mobile. The photo above shows "Percy The Promoter" telling my wayward cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle that he had to ride the mechanical bull after losing a match with The Armstrong Family. We had a fabulous event, that was well attended by several hundred fans. You can click on the blue hyperlink above, and check out some more great photos and details from the show.
Wednesday July 12th, was a sad day as I remebered my friend Jimmy Miranda. Jimmy handled "live event" merchandising for WWF/WWE for many years. He passed away on July 12, 2002. I snapped the picture above in one of the dressing rooms as Jimmy, Kane, and Gold Dust did a bit of horsing around. Gosh... I miss those days.
Yesterday July 14th, was my friend Jeff Jarrett's birthday. I've known Jeff for so many years, and I am so proud of what he is doing these days.
On another sad note, tomorrow July 16th will mark the anniversary of the deaths of two more dear friends. Bruiser Brody (above) and Terry "Bam-Bam" Gordy (below) died on July 16th. Bruiser in 1988, and Terry in 2001.
I wish you all a very good weekend!
God Bless!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Update On My Brother and more...

Once again I am humbled by the kind emails and prayers for my brother. He underwent another surgery on Monday, and did as well as could be expected. He is still in intensive care, however he could be released into a regular room later today or tomorrow.

I will be appearing in Batesville, MS at The Civic Center tomorrow Friday, July 7th for All Pro Productions. Bell Time will be at 7:30 pm with doors opening at 5:00 pm for autograph sessions. The new Batesville Civic Center is located at 290 Civic Center Road, just off Highway 6 East in Batesville, Mississippi. Batesville is about an hour south of Memphis, TN. I will be managing Kamala in one match, and coming out in the main event with a team against Jerry Lawler and Brian Christopher, Jimmy Valiant will be the special referee for that match. There are a bunch of "Legends" on the card, many coming from Memphis. If you live in the area please come out and give me a shout.

Then on Sunday my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization will return to action here in Mobile.

Take care, my friends!


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Monday, July 03, 2006

4th Of July

Let us not forget those who have given and are giving their lives this very day to preserve the independence that we tend to take for granted at times. The faces in the windows of the airplane below seem to tell it all, as honor guards remove the body of one our soldiers recently being returned from Iraq to be buried.