Saturday, December 31, 2005

Show Last Night - HAPPY NEW YEAR

My GULF SOUTH WRESTLING event last evening was no less than a success. What a fantastic way to close out 2005! In the photo above, yours truly, and my Dad (center), pose with Gulf Coast Wrestling Legend, Mike "The Hippie" Boyette. It was a real treat for me to book "The Hippie" on my show as a special referee during the main event. Mike Boyette has always been one of my favorite ring stars that I was blessed to grow up watching. I appreciate everyone who attended last evening, and special thanks goes out to my wrestlers and staff who worked so hard. My next Independent event will be on January 27, 2006 back in Southwest Mobile County.
I would like to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Looking back on 2005, the year was no doubt a pivotal point in my professional career.

The year saw my regular talent contract with World Wrestling Entertainment come to an end after 14-years on the company's payroll. I was signed to a "WWE Legends Contract," which certainly keeps my ties strong with the company.

In the late summer, a lifelong dream came true, as I opened GULF SOUTH WRESTLING INCORPORATED. I am finally promoting my own brand of sports entertainment in my home area. It's not an easy task, but the self satisfaction has been tremendous, as we are growing much faster than anticipated. I am continuing my relationship with Independent organizations all around the country, and I hope to meet you all as I travel during 2006.
PART-2 of my ROH STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES has just been released by The RING OF HONOR. This new DVD completes the story of my 31-year career, that began with PART-1 Percy Pringle STRAIGHT SHOOTIN' SERIES, which has been a overwhelming success, along with my PERCY PRINGLE & JIM CORNETTE SHOOT INTERVIEW.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Mid-Week Notes...

ALABAMA plays Texas Tech at The Cotton Bowl in Dallas, on Monday, January 2nd. The FOX Network is carrying the game at 10:00 am (central). ALABAMA has played in more bowl games than any other college in the nation, a total of 53. We had a great season this year, I would love for The Cotton Bowl to be the proverbial icing on the cake.

You never realize how easy it is to be a wrestling "talent" until you try your hands at promoting. Ring talents, show up, do their thing, get paid, and go home. It seems that a promoter's work is never done. I have been busting my big butt preparing for my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING next event this Friday evening near Mobile. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying what I'm doing, but the promoter always seems to get overlooked in many cases. The payoff for me comes when the fans walk out of the building with smiles on their faces, and ready for the next show to come.

Other than the New Year upon us, my wrestling show on Friday, and a stomach flu that is chasing most of my family and friends, things are quiet on The Gulf of Mexico today. That's a good thing.


Monday, December 26, 2005

The Day After Christmas...

Dianna and I got an early start by celebrating Christmas together with Midnight Mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of The Immaculate Conception in downtown Mobile. The Basilica was built in 1850, and is without a doubt one of the most beautiful structures in the deep south. I sincerely hope you and your families had a fantastic and blessed Christmas as the Moody Family did. I feel like I gained 100 pounds... but we'll get right to work on getting rid of it as I have a bunch of work to do. My next event with our GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization is this Friday, December 30th in a small community in southwest Mobile County.
Ahhhh.... the sweet payoff that came Christmas morning after 2-days of putting together this 5000+ piece swingset for Granddaughter Grace. It was damp and cool, so she didn't get to spend too much time on it. However, from the look on her face you know it will give us all plenty hours of enjoyment in the days to come.
In the picture above Gracie is really into it all, as she is asking for another package to open. Below, she sits with Uncle Daniel, our youngest son, as he shows her more of her presents. She's not spoiled... no way! By the way, Grace turns 18-months old today.


Saturday, December 24, 2005


From the very beginning here, I have always expressed my feelings that this BLOG is my personal letter to each one of you. That sentiment has never changed. From my heart of hearts, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Blessed Christmas.

I think the world of you folks. If it wasn't for you, my life long dreams would have never came true. I enjoy hearing from you through your emails and personal notes. I thank you for them.

I pray that the Grace of Our Savior Jesus Christ be with you this holy weekend, and for eternity.


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wedding Anniversary

On this date 27 years ago, Dianna and I were married. It seems like yesterday...


Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Happy "Hump Day" to you all. A little Deja Vu' all over again for me today as I began putting together Granddaughter Grace's Christmas swing for our backyard. I can remember vividly about 25-years ago swearing that I would never put one of these together again... well... I lied. It's amazing what you'll do for your Grand-younguns'. I called it quits for this afternoon, and I think I can finish it up tomorrow, if I'm lucky.

Only 4 more days 'til Christmas!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Back Home... Christmas Week...

Hello Dear Friends,

Only 5 more days until Christmas! We made it home safely late yesterday. This is this first time I've had my computer on in 5-days. I know... I said that I was going to take my laptop with me and make updates from the road. I took my laptop, but it never made it out of my briefcase. Dianna and I drove to the Charlotte area to visit with some of her family on Saturday morning from Atlanta. We had a nice weekend there, followed by a 10-hour drive home yesterday. Needless to say, I have spent most of the morning catching up on email and telephone messages.

In my opinion, The RING OF GLORY event in Rome, GA on Friday evening was a tremendous success. Personally, I had a fantastic time. I say it over and over again here following my out of town trips, it's always so good to see so many friends that I never get a chance to visit with these days. Such was the case in Georgia too.

Never in my 31+ years in the industry have I ever experienced anything that Vince Russo's RING OF GLORY produced for the fans. To witness over 100 fans standing in the ring giving their lives to Jesus Christ was an experience unto itself. The fact that we were using the business for HIS Glory instead of our own for a change made it all worthwhile. I would like to publically thank Vince Russo and his entire staff for having the confidence in my abilitites. I am anxiously waiting for the next ROG event already.

I just wanted to touch base with you all, and let you know I was still alive. I thank all of you for the kind Christmas cards and emails. We appreciate them more than you will ever know! Have a great week!


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Only 10-days remaining until Christmas, my friends!

There's not too much news to report today, as my weekend is centered around my appearance at Vince Russo's RING OF GLORY event at The Forum, in Rome Georgia tomorrow night, Friday - December 16th. Belltime is at 7:00 pm. Vince Russo has dubbed the exciting event, " Sports Entertainment Meets Broadway, Presented By The Gospel."

I will be taking my laptop with me on the trip, and will do my best to make some updates here during the next couple of days.

My latest "ASK PERCY" column is now on line at, check it out when you find the time.

Take care my friends, and God Bless!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Playing Catch-up....

First off, can you believe all the hype going on about saying "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays?" What is this world coming to? How have we allowed ourselves to forget why we celebrate Christmas anyway? It mind-boggles me. Enough of that...

I've been on the road all weekend with my dear cousin "Marvelous" Marcel Pringle. If you've ever watched The Waltons, and seen The Baldwin Sisters (above), that is what me & 'cuz remind me of these days. We're like two old ladies on the road. But we're still having fun doing what we love, and that's what it's all about.

However, I questioned the "fun" part of it a couple of times this weekend. We were both booked in Vicksburg, MS on Saturday night for The IPWA- International Professional Wrestlers Association. We made plans to spend the night and come home yesterday (Sunday). It's about a 235 mile drive one-way from Mobile, and I just don't care to drive 4-hours after a show anymore. Mainly because I am afraid that I may fall asleep because I am so dang old. hehee....

Anyway, when we arrived at the arena making small talk with the "booker," he said something about the show we were going to do the next night. I said, "What show are you talking about?" We quickly became aware that we were booked on another event Sunday night in Houma, LA for GZP - Ground Zero Pro. Which is about a 4-hour drive south of Vickburg in the Louisiana Delta southwest of New Orleans. Needless to say, somebody dropped the ball and we were not told about the second show.

So... The Baldwin Sisters (Cousin Marcel and yours truly), had to make some drastic changes in our itineraries. It all worked out, both shows were good. The driving took a toll on 'ol PP3, but we made it home about 3 am this morning. The bones are moving a bit slow this afternoon.

I can't believe it been 6-days since I've made an entry here. I've been quite busy, and that's a good thing.

This Friday night, I am excited about joining Vince Russo's RING OF GLORY event in Rome, GA at The Forum. I have some good feelings about this one.
The RING OF HONOR recently sent me the cover of PART II of my "Straight Shootin' Series" DVD. I understand that it could be released as early as next week. This one covers my career from the day I first signed with the then WWF, up until today. I appreciate those of you that have emailed me with so much positive feedback about PART I, and my "shoot" with Jim Cornette as well. If you liked those two, I promise that you will get a kick out of this second release.

Everybody's well at The Moody household. I went on a field trip to Toys R' US last week and bought Grace a swing set for our backyard for Christmas (I'm glad she can't read yet). I'm getting all kind of heat from family and friends saying she's too young for it, but I don't care. She can grow into it. Hey... she's 18-months old now. I'm ready to get her a car!

Have a good week, friends.
God Bless.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

BAMA In Cotton Bowl... Freebird... and more...

Today's PP3 Christmas Cartoon is kind of apropos these days, isn't it? Only 19-days until Christmas!

The ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE will face off against TEXAS TECH in Dallas at The COTTON BOWL on January 2nd. Both BAMA and TT are 9-2, and hungry for a win to end the season. What a New Year's present this would be for us, after losing our final two games against LSU and AUBURN.

If you are a regular visitor here and at, you know of the special bond that exists between myself and "Freebird" Michael Hayes. If you are a "newbie" around here, and haven't read the stories, check out my STORY TIME SECTION, there's several "P.S." tales that might interest you. The photo of Michael and I above was taken at his Georgia home in the early 1990s. I'm not trying to plug today, but you can find other "Freebird" photos in my PHOTO GALLERY and PERSONAL HALL OF FAME.

The primary reason Michael's name pops up today is because of his appearance on WWE RAW last evening. I've said before that I don't normally make RAW a Percy "must see" every Monday night. However last night, I had it on in the background while I was doing some stuff here in my home office. When Michael came out with Sgt. Slaughter during the Edge/Lita segment, my world stood still. Although I felt a bit uncomfortable when Terry Gordy's name was mentioned, I thought that if Michael was O.K. with it, I was too. Hayes did a fantastic job. Knowing him as I do, some of the things he said were straight from his heart, and hit the nail right on it's proverbial head. It was so good to see my longtime brother on the tube again, and I told him that immediately after the segment ended in a personal email.

I have a new found respect for my 'ol friend, and I had a chance to share that feeling with him too in a telephone conversation a few weeks ago. You folks just don't know what a job with the creative department of WWE entails. Many think they do, but they don't. It takes a very special individual to do that 24/7, 265 days a year; and that is exactly what it is. A full time job. The team doesn't hit home runs every week, and their foul balls come way too often these days. But it's a job that I couldn't do.

The bottomline here is that Michael Hayes a special niche in my heart that he will occupy until they bury my fat butt under the Alabama red clay. Michael is aging gracefully, and is without a doubt a true icon in our industry. Vinne Mac and company would do well if we could see more of Hayes, and those in his class (yes there are more on the company payroll backstage) on today's product. I don't care what anybody says, you can't go wrong with old school wrestling.

Have a great Tuesday, friends!
God Bless.

Monday, December 05, 2005

20 Days Until Christmas

My old friend and favorite guitar picker Lee Bogan, sent me this Christmas cartoon, and I must say that I am probably one of the few that thinks it's one of the funniest holiday pictures I've ever seen. I'm truly a sicko... well hell, you all already know that. You folks ain't right either, or you wouldn't visit me here. Right? Anywhooo... believe it or not, there's only 20-days left to Christmas.

To say that I had a fantastic time this past weekend with The ECWA - EAST COAST CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING would certainly be an understatement. It was great seeing so many old friends, and meeting many new ones too. I finally had the opportunity to personally meet Pete Theophall face to face. I've known Pete for many years through pro wrestling historian Georgiann Makropoulos, and her WRESTLING CHATTERBOX NEWSLETTER. Pete has been Georgie's talented artist for ages. He graciously presented me with a portfolio of some of the work he as done of me during my career. The drawing above is just a sample of what a fine talent he is. You can find Mrs. Makropoulos as a regular contributor to

What a fine event Jim Kettner and company presented Saturday night. Everybody worked their butts off from top to bottom. I know I am going to miss some names here, and I apologize in advance, but a special 'THANKS" to Jim Kettner, Pete Theophall, Mozart Fontaine, Aden Chambers, Shawn Patrick, Brian Soscia, Mike Tobin, Danny Eckos, Sean Royal, Johnny Maxx, The Logan Brothers, Commissioner Naegele, Cheetah Master, Freak Nasty, The Valedictorians, Mr. Ooh La La, Scotty Charisma, Billy Bax, Rob Eckos, Andrew Ryker, Chase Del Monte, Devon Storm, Carlton Hightower, Mike Kreul, Arch Kincaid, Tommy Penmanship, Ace Darling, Scoot Andrews, The Japanese Pool Boy, and my old friend Kevin Kelly.

If I could make my GULF SOUTH WRESTLING organization half of what The ECWA is, I would be one of the happiest independent promoters walking God's great earth.

The photo above shows yours truly at ringside Saturday night in Newark, DE with The ECWA. It's refreshing to know that there's still some outstanding traditional, professional wrestling alive and doing well in our country. If you ever have a chance to check ECWA out, please do so. Jim has been in the industry for over 30-years, and his product truly speaks for itself.

I saw my first snow this year Saturday night following the show. I love the northeast, buy hey... you can keep that stuff! I'll stick with the hot sun, the sand, and the hurricanes.

Another reminder that I will be at The Forum in Rome, GA on Friday, December 16th with Vince Russo's new RING OF GLORY. I am really excited about this one! check it out if you can.

I will also be appearing with THE IPWA - INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL WRESTLERS ASSOCIATION this Saturday night, December 10th in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Promoter Tommy Parker is doing a fantastic job with this group, so if you live in, or will be in the area, stop by and say "howdy."

If you like "shoot interviews" check out The RING OF HONOR "Straight Shootin' Series." PERCY PRINGLE III - PART 1 and PERCY PRINGLE & JIM CORNETTE.

Have a great week!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Finally Friday...

Yes indeed, it's Friday and I'm heading up to the northeast for The EAST COAST WRESTLING ASSOCIATION event tomorrow night in Newark, DE. We don't have much news today, so I won't waste your time. I'll have a report on my trip right here next time, so check back late Sunday or Monday.

By the way, my latest "ASK PERCY" column is now available at Check it out when you have the time.

Have a great weekend!