Friday, April 29, 2005

RIP Chris Candido and other thoughts...

My thoughts go out to the Family of Chris Candido on his untimely passing. It is always a tragedy when we lose one of our brothers. I only knew Chris during his time as one of "The Body Donnas," in The WWF. We didn't see eye to eye on a few occasions, however I always respected his talent in the ring. May his soul and the souls of all of our departed brothers and sisters Rest In Peace.

I understand that Chris passed away due to a blood clot following his recent ankle surgery, after an accident in the ring. This blood clot situation is very serious these days, as my sister developed two of them following knee replacement surgery, and is hospitalized for the fourth time as I type today. They were very concerned that I might have that problem when I had my weight loss surgery, however their preventative actions saved me.

We saw Kenny Chesney in concert last night at The Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. The event sold out in 20-minutes, and I am not kidding when I tell you that all 12,000 in the building stood the entire time he was on the stage. I thought that I have seen it all as far as entertainment is concerned. But Chesney is no doubt one of the finest entertainers ever. I predict that he will receive The Entertainer Of The Year honors at The Academy Of Country Music Awards in a few weeks. If he doesn't, something is certainly wrong. Uncle Kracker and Gretchen Wilson opened the show for him. If you have a chance to see him, it's worth every penny.

Take care, and have a fine weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Call From An Old Friend...

Managing "The Missing Link" Dewey Robertson, in Florida in 1985.

Visiting with Dewey during the mid-1990s in London, Ontario, Canada,
while on tour with The WWF.

I'm sure that many of you can understand what it is like to talk to an old friend after a very long time. That happened to me yesterday, as I got a chance to speak with Dewey Robertson "The Missing Link," after about a 10-year period. It was so good to hear that voice again. Both of us could probably give a hundred excuses why we haven't been in contact. But, when you are pointing a finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back at yourself.

It's not that I forgot about Dewey, because that certainly wasn't the case. He has always been very special to me and my family, and I have thought about him many times through the years.
You know... shit just happens. Especially in our business. Anyway, we talked for at least an hour last night, and I am glad to report that he is doing well. He has a website now, and you can visit it at:

There's nothing like an old friend.

Take care!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Today Is My "Son's" Birthday

A Young Glen Jacobs

My "son" Glen is celebrating his birthday today. We wish him the very best! Glen will always be special to me, and I have received many emails asking why haven't I added his name to my Personal Hall Of Fame, on my website. You can be sure that he has a place there, and that his time will come soon. I only add a name every month or so.

Also, my Granddaughter Grace turns 9-months old today. It's unbelieveable how time flies by. Before we know it she will be a year old.

My personal photos from The 2005 Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion in Las Vegas are now up at . You can go directly to my photo gallery by clicking on the following link, and then on CAC 2005, . I have tons of pictures from the event, these are only a small sample of them. Maybe we will switch them out now and then.

Take care, my friends!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Remembering Rick Rude

It's almost breathtaking to think that it's been 6-years to the day since we lost "Ravishing" Rick Rude. Today, I am proud to add Rick's name to my cherished list in my Personal Hall Of Fame on my website. If you would like to read a few of my memories of Rick, please click on the link below the photo of his grave stone.

On a lighter note, my memories of The 2005 Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion are now up on PP.Com. Just click on the link below:
God Bless!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I am excited to join my Catholic Family around the world as we welcome Pope Benedict XVI. We pray that Our Dear Lord will guide him as he leads us.

Monday, April 18, 2005


I took this beautiful photo from the top of The Riviera, as the sun set on the
final evening of our 2005 Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion and Banquet.

Hello my friends! I've been busy editing my photos and getting my thoughts together, as I prepare to share them with you. They say "What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas." Well, I must say that there isn't anything that happened while I was there that I want to leave there. It was a fantastic event with some very special memories that I will cherish for many years to come.

It was so good to see so many old friends, and cultivate many new relationships as well. I would like to thank everyone who made this year's gathering such a tremendous success. Please check back in the next day or two for my personal story and photos.

My Webmaster "Plowboy" Kurt Nielsen

Take care!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Las Vegas - HERE WE COME!

There will not be any posts here for the next several days, as I am preparing to leave for Las Vegas, and The 40th Annual Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion. I am really looking forward to seeing many old friends in our industry, and chat with the fans in attendance as well. I am also pleased to be allowed to present Sir Oliver Humperdink with his CAC Manager award at this year's banquet on Friday evening. If you are a visitor to my website, I encourage you to step up and introduce yourself to me. I would love to meet you! I plan on having plenty of pictures and stories from Vegas for you right here at next week... so keep checking back!
You can find more information about the great event by clicking on the link below The CAC logo.
Take care my friends!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Remembering Troy... and more ramblings.

Our Granddaughter Grace visiting the gravesite of her big brother Troy. Troy was born 2-years ago today. He passed away just 12-hours later. Now you can see how Grace got her name. We have her only for the Grace of God. Gracie is 9-months old this month, and needless to say she is her Grandpa Percy's pride and joy.

Once again I must thanks you folks for the kind email wishes. We're just taking things day by day, like I have been for a long time now. Things are good in The Moody Household. It's another fine day in Alabama, with some possible April showers later this afternoon. I got my walk in early this morning, and hit the grocery store. It always amazes me when people approach me in the grocery, mall, or even at church. They say, "What are you doing here?"
My usual response is, "The same thing you are, I guess." Hehee...

Two more days until Las Vegas!
Have a great week.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

THANKS... My Friends!

Yes indeed, 51 years ago today I was born. You don't know how much I appreciate all of the kind emails. I am overwhelmed at the number of messages I have received since yesterday's announcement. I am truly humbled. Many of you already know that I always do my level best to answer each and every one personally. If I missed yours, I apologize. I'm proud to say that I have a fairly good track record when it comes to my email department, and I don't miss very many. But... things do happen.

What a beautiful day it is along The Gulf of Mexico today. Even though it is my birthday, I couldn't take the day off from my usual 2-mile walk. In fact, I felt so good this morning that I walked a bit further than I normally do. Just think, a little over a year ago I couldn't even walk out in the front yard to get the newspaper. I am very blessed today.

When I returned home from my walk, the cars in my driveway gave me a hint as to what was going down. My family had gathered for an informal party for me. I told them that I didn't want anything this year, but you all know how family can be.

I would like to thank my Webmaster and dear friend "Plowboy" Kurt Nielsen, who changed the splash page on my website today in honor of my birthday. I'm looking forward to seeing Kurt along with all of you that will be attending The Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion in Las Vegas this week. Please don't hesitate to come up to me and introduce yourselves!

Take care, and God Bless my friends.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Back To Business...

With great respect and consideration to all of my friends and supporters through the years, I sincerely feel that you should hear the following announcement directly from me. At times information can get misconstrued on the wrestling Internet. I want to ensure that before the anticipated communication leaks occur, that you get the complete truth that you so rightfully deserve.

During a telephone conversation yesterday with John Laurinaitis, from World Wrestling Entertainment Talent Relations, I was informed that the company decided to terminate my booking contract dated October 3, 2003. The contract specifies that the agreement may be terminated for any reason whatsoever by providing me with ninety (90) days advance written notice. My 90-day written notice will be issued by WWE Legal Department on Monday, April 11th.

I would like to say that our conversation was a courtesy, very cordial, and definitely not unexpected. The WWE creative department has not been able to come up with a viable storyline for the Paul Bearer character since he was “buried” in cement at THE GREAT AMERICAN BASH on June 27, 2004.

The last two years have indeed been a blessing, as the company made a major life saving surgery possible for me. I will always treasure the many friendships and memories of my almost 14-year association with The McMahon Family. I will never shut the door on a future relationship with WWE, as you well know anything can happen.

The next 90-days will be very important for me, as I must make some serious career decisions. Once again, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. For some odd reason I feel like it’s somebody’s birthday around here tomorrow. I know it can’t be mine! Then again, it very well could be. Hehee…

Take care, my friends.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pope John Paul II

Farewell Holy Father!
Go Rest High On That Mountain,
Your Work On Earth Is Done.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Prayers For The Pontiff... Local Flooding...

The Mobile area was hit with nearly 12 inches of rain last night, and 1700 lightening stikes were counted in a two hour period. Now I know how "Plowboy" Kurt and the rest of our California friends have been feeling. Many low lying streets are still flooded this afternoon. We are used to a bunch of rain, but not that much at one time.

Our prayers are lifted up to The Good Lord today, as we pray for the health of Pope John Paul II. I ask that you join us in remembering The Pontiff, as reports from The Vatican seem to say that he may be in his last hours.

For my fellow "Possum Fans" out there. Check out the debut CD from Georgette Jones, George Jones and Tammy Wynette's daughter. Including the singles "Stone Country", "When Tractors Fly", and "Better A Painful Ending" (Duet with Mark McGuinn). I haven't heard it yet, but considering her genes, it's got to be a good 'un.

Have a good weekend!